Wisconsin Civil Jury Instructions
Cite these instructions as: Wis JI-Civil
Introductory materials
Introduction (current edition) PDF
Historical introductions (1981, 1978, 1960) PDF
Memorials and dedications PDF
General instructions 1-950
Right to a Jury Trial: Law Note for Trial Judges (2017) Word PDF
Comment: Gender-Neutral Language (7/2024) Word PDF
Suggested Order of Instructions: Negligence Cases (2018) Word PDF
Preliminary Instruction: Before Trial (7/2024) Word PDF Quick Edit
Juror Questioning of Witnesses (2014) Word PDF Quick Edit
Notetaking Not Allowed (2011) Word PDF Quick Edit
Notetaking Permitted (2011) Word PDF Quick Edit
Transcripts Not Available for Deliberations; Reading Back Testimony (2011) Word PDF Quick Edit
Preliminary Instruction: Use of an Interpreter for a Witness (2011) Word PDF Quick Edit
Preliminary Instruction: Use of an Interpreter for a Juror (2011) Word PDF Quick Edit
Recording Played to the Jury (1/2023) Word PDF Quick Edit
Opening (2013) Word PDF Quick Edit
Summary Exhibit (2013) Word PDF Quick Edit
Submission on General Verdict (2010) Word PDF Quick Edit
Submission on Ultimate Fact Verdict (Withdrawn in 2011)
Submission on Ultimate Fact Verdict When Court Finds One or More Parties at Fault (Withdrawn in 2011)
Remarks and Arguments of Counsel (2011) Word PDF Quick Edit
Objections of Counsel (2015) Word PDF Quick Edit
Ignoring Judge's Demeanor (2011) Word PDF Quick Edit
Counsel's Reference to Insurance Company (2011) Word PDF Quick Edit
Stricken Testimony (2011) Word PDF Quick Edit
Special Verdict Questions: Interrelationship (2016) Word PDF Quick Edit
Damage Question Answered by the Court (2005) Word PDF Quick Edit
View of Scene (2011) Word PDF Quick Edit
Question Answered by the Court (2011) Word PDF Quick Edit
Five-Sixths Verdict (2017) Word PDF Quick Edit
Closing: Short Form (2011) Word PDF Quick Edit
Closing: Long Form (2017) Word PDF Quick Edit
Supplemental Instruction Where Jury is Unable to Agree (2003) Word PDF Quick Edit
Instruction after Verdict is Received (2010) Word PDF Quick Edit
Burden of Proof: Ordinary (2004) Word PDF Quick Edit
Burden of Proof: Ordinary: Compensatory Damages (2005) Word PDF Quick Edit
Burden of Proof: Middle (2016) Word PDF Quick Edit
Burden of Proof Where Verdict Contains a Middle Standard Question (Withdrawn in 1998)
Credibility of Witnesses; Weight of Evidence (2011) Word PDF Quick Edit
Jury Not to Speculate (Withdrawn in 1990)
Circumstantial Evidence (2011) Word PDF Quick Edit
Driver's Manual: Use by Jury (Withdrawn in 2011)
Expert Testimony (2017) Word PDF Quick Edit
Medical or Scientific Treatise in Evidence (1989) Word PDF Quick Edit
Expert Testimony: Hypothetical Questions (2011) Word PDF Quick Edit
Opinion of a Nonexpert Witness (2013) Word PDF Quick Edit
Measurements (1989) Word PDF Quick Edit
Negative Testimony (2016) Word PDF Quick Edit
Physical Facts (1989) Word PDF Quick Edit
Presumptions and Permissive Inferences - Law Note for Trial Judges (2017) Word PDF Quick Edit
Presumptions: Conflict as to Existence of Basic Fact; Evidence Introduced from Which Nonexistence of Presumed Fact May Be Inferred (2013) Word PDF Quick Edit
Presumptions: Existence of Basic Fact Uncontradicted; Evidence Introduced from Which Nonexistence of Presumed Fact May Be Inferred (2013) Word PDF Quick Edit
Presumptions: Deceased Person was Not Negligent (2003) Word PDF Quick Edit
Presumptions: Conflict as to Existence of Basic Fact; No Evidence Introduced from Which Nonexistence of Presumed Fact Could Be Inferred (1991) Word PDF Quick Edit
Permissive Inferences; e.g., Res Ipsa Loquitur (1989) Word PDF Quick Edit
Subsequent Remedial Measures (2021) Word PDF Quick Edit
Spoliation: Inference (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Falsus in Uno (2018) Word PDF Quick Edit
Witness: Absence (2015) Word PDF Quick Edit
Witness: Prior Conviction (2011) Word PDF Quick Edit
Impeachment of Witnesses: Prior Inconsistent or Contradictory Statements (1981) Word PDF
Witness Exercising Privilege Against Self-Incrimination (2011) Word PDF Quick Edit
A party's presence not required at trial (7/2023) Word PDF Quick Edit
Reasonable Diligence in Discovery of Injury (Statute of Limitations) (2016) Word PDF Quick Edit
Negligence 1000-1932
Unavoidable Accident (1989) Word PDF
Negligence: Fault: Ultimate Fact Verdict (2004) Word PDF Quick Edit
Gas Company, Duty to Customer (1989) Word PDF Quick Edit
Negligence, Gas Company, Duty in Installing Its Pipes, Mains, and Meters (1989) Word PDF Quick Edit
Negligent Versus Intentional Conduct (1995) Word PDF
Negligence: Defined (2016) Word PDF Quick Edit
Gross Negligence: Defined (2016) Word PDF Quick Edit
Contributory Negligence: Defined (2015) Word PDF Quick Edit
Contributory Negligence: Rescue Rule (2016) Word PDF Quick Edit
Intoxication: Chemical Test Results [Reflects Changes in 2003 Wisconsin Act 30] (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Negligence: Violation of Safety Statute (2010) Word PDF Quick Edit
Negligence of Children (2014) Word PDF Quick Edit
Attractive Nuisance: Ultimate Fact Question (Renumbered Civil JI-8025 in 2013)
Parents' Duty to Protect Minor Child (1989) Word PDF Quick Edit
Parent's Duty to Control Minor Child (2006) Word PDF Quick Edit
Negligent Entrustment (2017) Word PDF Quick Edit
Negligent Entrustment to an Incompetent Person (2017) Word PDF Quick Edit
Negligence in an Emergency (Renumbered Civil JI-1105A in 1995)
Negligence: Evidence of Custom and Usage (1995) Word PDF Quick Edit
Negligence: Under Special Circumstances (Withdrawn in 2011)
Negligence of Mentally Disabled (2006) Word PDF Quick Edit
Illness Without Forewarning (2002) Word PDF Quick Edit
Negligence of General Contractor: Increasing Risk of Injury to Employee of Subcontractor (2020) Word PDF Quick Edit
Negligence: Building Contractor (2016) Word PDF Quick Edit
Liability of One Employing Independent Contractor (2015) Word PDF Quick Edit
Medical Negligence (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Professional Negligence: Medical: Duty of Physician to Inform a Patient: Special Verdict (2015) Word PDF Quick Edit
Professional Negligence: Medical: Duty of Physician to Inform a Patient (2015) Word PDF Quick Edit
Professional Negligence: Medical: Duty of Physician to Inform a Patient: Cause (2015) Word PDF Quick Edit
Professional Negligence: Medical: Duty of Physician to Inform a Patient: Contributory Negligence (2015) Word PDF
Professional Negligence: Legal-Status of Lawyer as a Specialist is Not in Dispute (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Professional Negligence: Legal-Status of Lawyer as Specialist is in Dispute (1997) Word PDF Quick Edit
Negligence of Insurance Agent (2021) Word PDF Quick Edit
Professional Negligence: Registered Nurses and Licensed Technicians Performing Skilled Services (2016) Word PDF Quick Edit
Professional Negligence: Chiropractor-Treatment (2016) Word PDF Quick Edit
Professional Negligence: Chiropractor-Determining Treatability by Chiropractic Means (1999) Word PDF Quick Edit
Professional Negligence: Dental (2016) Word PDF Quick Edit
Professional Negligence: Chiropractor, Dentist, Optometrist, or Podiatrist: Duty to Inform a Patient: Special Verdict (2015) Word PDF Quick Edit
Professional Negligence: Chiropractor, Dentist, Optometrist, or Podiatrist: Duty to Inform a Patient (2015) Word PDF Quick Edit
Professional Negligence: Chiropractor, Dentist, Optometrist, or Podiatrist: Duty to Inform a Patient: Cause (2015) Word PDF Quick Edit
Professional Negligence: Medical: Res Ipsa Loquitur (7/2024) Word PDF Quick Edit
Negligence of a Common Carrier (2006) Word PDF Quick Edit
Bailment: Defined (2009) Word PDF Quick Edit
Duty of Bailor for Hire (1992) Word PDF Quick Edit
Bailment: Duty of Bailee under a Bailment for Mutual Benefit (2009) Word PDF Quick Edit
Bailment: Liability of a Gratuitous Bailor (2009) Word PDF Quick Edit
Bailment: Negligence of Bailee May Be Inferred (2005) Word PDF Quick Edit
Bailment: Negligence of Carrier Presumed (2005) Word PDF Quick Edit
Duty of Owner of Place of Amusement: Common Law (Renumbered Civil JI-8040 in 1985)
Duty of a Proprietor of a Place of Business to Protect a Patron from Injury Caused by Act of Third Person (Renumbered Civil JI-8045 in 1986)
Duty of Hotel Innkeeper (Renumbered Civil JI-8050 in 1986)
Duty of Owner of a Building Abutting on a Public Highway (Renumbered Civil JI-8030 in 1986)
Highway or Sidewalk Defect or Insufficiency (Renumbered Civil JI-8035 in 1986)
Right to Assume Due Care by Highway Users (1992) Word PDF Quick Edit
Conditional Privilege of Authorized Emergency Vehicle Operator (2016) Word PDF Quick Edit
Defective Condition of Automobile: Host's Liability (1992) Word PDF
Voluntary Intoxication: Relation to Negligence (2004) Word PDF Quick Edit
Driver's Duty When Children Are Present (1992) Word PDF Quick Edit
Contributory Negligence of Passenger: Placing Self in Position of Danger (1992) Word PDF Quick Edit
Contributory Negligence of Guest: Riding with Host (1992) Word PDF Quick Edit
Negligence of Guest: Active: Management and Control (1992) Word PDF Quick Edit
Driver, Negligence: Highway Defect or Insufficiency (1992) Word PDF Quick Edit
Pedestrian, Negligence: Sidewalk Defect or Insufficiency (1989) Word PDF Quick Edit
Duty of Persons with Physical Disability (2005) Word PDF Quick Edit
Duty of Worker: Preoccupation in Work Minimizes Duty (1995) Word PDF Quick Edit
Duty of Worker: When Required to Work in Unsafe Premises (1992) Word PDF Quick Edit
Equipment and Maintenance of Vehicles: General Duty (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Equipment and Maintenance of Vehicles: Headlights (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Equipment and Maintenance of Vehicles: Brakes (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Lookout (1997) Word PDF Quick Edit
Lookout: Camouflage (2013) Word PDF Quick Edit
Lookout: Backing (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Lookout: Entering or Crossing A Through Highway (2003) Word PDF Quick Edit
Lookout: Failure to See Object in Plain Sight (1992) Word PDF Quick Edit
Lookout: Guest (1996) Word PDF Quick Edit
Lookout: Guest's Duty to Warn (1992) Word PDF Quick Edit
Lookout: Limited Duty on Private Property (1992) Word PDF Quick Edit
Driver on Arterial Approaching Intersection: Lookout; Right of Way; Flashing Yellow Signal (7/2023) Word PDF Quick Edit
Lookout: Pedestrian (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Duty to Sound Horn (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Management and Control (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Management and Control-Emergency (2016) Word PDF Quick Edit
Racing (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Operation of Automobile Following Another (2015) Word PDF Quick Edit
Duty of Preceding Driver: Slowing or Stopping: Signalling (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Duty of Preceding Driver to Following Driver: Lookout (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Parking: Stopping: Leaving Vehicle Off the Roadway (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Parking: Stopping: Leaving Vehicle On the Roadway (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Parking: Stopping: Leaving Vehicle On or Off the Roadway: Exception to Prohibition (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Stopped School Bus: Position on Highway (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
School Bus: Flashing Red Warning Lights (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Position on Highway on Meeting and Passing (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Position on Highway on Meeting and Passing; Violation Excused (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Passing: Vehicles Proceeding in Same Direction (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Passing: Vehicles Proceeding in Same Direction: Obstructed View (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Passing: Vehicles Proceeding in Same Direction: In No Passing Zone or Where Overtaken Vehicle Turning Left (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Passing: Vehicles Proceeding in Same Direction (2015) Word PDF Quick Edit
Res Ipsa Loquitur (7/2024) Word PDF Quick Edit
Right of Way: At Intersection with Through Highway (7/2023) Word PDF Quick Edit
Right of Way: At Intersections of Highways (7/2023) Word PDF Quick Edit
Right of Way: At Intersection of Highways: Ultimate Verdict Question (7/2023) Word PDF Quick Edit
Right of Way: To Pedestrian Crossing at Controlled Intersection (7/2023) Word PDF Quick Edit
Right of Way: Pedestrian Control Signal: Walk Signal (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Right of Way: To Pedestrian at Intersections or Crosswalks on Divided Highways or Highways Provided with Safety Zones (7/2023) Word PDF Quick Edit
Right of Way: Pedestrian Crossing Roadway at Point Other Than Crosswalk (1982) Word PDF
Right of Way: To Pedestrian at Uncontrolled Intersection or Crosswalk (7/2023) Word PDF Quick Edit
Right of Way: Blind Pedestrian on Highway (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Right of Way: Entering Highway from an Alley or Nonhighway Access Point (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Right of Way: Funeral Processions; Military Convoys (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Right of Way: Green Arrow (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Right of Way: Green Signal (7/2023) Word PDF Quick Edit
Plaintiff and Defendant Each Claims Green Light in Their Favor (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Duty of Driver Entering Intersection with Green Light in Driver's Favor: Lookout (7/2023) Word PDF Quick Edit
Duty of Driver Approaching Intersection When Amber Light Shows (7/2023) Word PDF Quick Edit
Red Traffic Control Light Signalling Stop (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Flashing Red Traffic Control Light (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Right of Way: Left Turn at Intersection (7/2023) Word PDF Quick Edit
Right of Way: Livestock (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Right of Way: Moving from Parked Position (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Right of Way: On Approach of Emergency Vehicle (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Right of Way: Pedestrian's Duty: At Pedestrian Control Signal (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Right of Way: Pedestrian's Duty: Crossing at Controlled Intersection or Crosswalk (7/2023) Word PDF Quick Edit
Right of Way: Pedestrian's Duty: Crossing Roadway at Point Other than Crosswalk (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Right of Way: Pedestrian's Duty: Divided Highways or Highways with Safety Zones (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Right of Way: Pedestrian's Duty: Facing Green Arrow (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Right of Way: Pedestrian's Duty: Facing Red Signal (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Right of Way: Pedestrian's Duty: Standing or Loitering on Highway (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Right of Way: Pedestrian's Duty: Standing or Loitering on Highway Crosswalk; Suddenly Leaving Curb or Place of Safety (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Position on Highway: Pedestrian's Duty; Walking on Highway (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Right of Way: Persons Working on Highway (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Right of Way: When Vehicle Using Alley or Nonhighway Access to Stop (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Right of Way: When Yield Sign Installed (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Safety Belt: Failure to Use (2009) Word PDF Quick Edit
Safety Helmet: Failure to Use (2009) Word PDF
Skidding (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Speed: Reasonable and Prudent; Reduced Speed (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Speed: Fixed Limits (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Speed: Special Restrictions for Certain Vehicles (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Speed: Impeding Traffic (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Speed: Failure to Yield Roadway (2015) Word PDF Quick Edit
Speed: Obstructed Vision (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Speed: Obstructed Vision: Nighttime (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Speed: Camouflage (1992) Word PDF Quick Edit
Stop at Stop Signs (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Stop at Stop Signs [Alternate] (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Stop: Emerging from an Alley (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Emerging from a Private Driveway or Other Nonhighway Access (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Railroad Crossing: Driver's Duty (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Stop: All Vehicles at Railroad Crossing Signals (2015) Word PDF Quick Edit
Stop: Pedestrian Crossing Railroad Tracks (2015) Word PDF Quick Edit
Stop: Nonoperation of Railroad Crossing Signals (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Stop: Special Vehicles at Railroad Crossing (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Stop: For School Bus Loading or Unloading Children (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Turn or Movement: Signal Required (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Turn: Position and Method When Not Otherwise Marked or Posted (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Turn or Movement: Ascertainment that Turn or Movement Can Be Made with Reasonable Safety: Lookout (7/2023) Word PDF Quick Edit
Deviation from Traffic Lane: Clearly Indicated Lanes (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Negligence: Teacher: Duty to Instruct or Warn (2020) Word PDF Quick Edit
Negligence: Teacher: Duty to Supervise Students (2016) Word PDF Quick Edit
Employer Negligence: Negligent Hiring, Training, or Supervision (2019) Word PDF Quick Edit
Duty of Hospital: Granting and Renewing Staff Privileges (Corporate Negligence) (7/2024) Word PDF Quick Edit
Negligence: Hospital: Duty of Employees: Performance of Routine Custodial Care Not Requiring Expert Testimony (1999) Word PDF Quick Edit
Negligence: Hospital: Duty of Employees: Suicide or Injury Resulting from Escape or Attempted Suicide (2006) Word PDF Quick Edit
Injury by Dog (2017) Word PDF Quick Edit
Liability of Owner or Keeper of Animal: Common Law (7/2024) Word PDF Quick Edit
Liability of a participant in a recreational activity (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Duty of Public Utility: Highway Obstructions: Nonenergized Facilities (1989) Word PDF Quick Edit
Negligence: Voluntary Assumption of Duty to a Third Person (2014) Word PDF Quick Edit
Railroads: Duty to Ring Engine Bell Within Municipality (2007) Word PDF Quick Edit
Railroads: Duty to Ring Engine Bell Outside Municipality (2007) Word PDF Quick Edit
Railroads: Duty to Blow Train Whistle Within Municipality (Withdrawn in 2007)
Railroads: Duty of Train Crew Approaching Crossing (2006) Word PDF Quick Edit
Railroads: Speed: Fixed Limits (2006) Word PDF Quick Edit
Railroads: Speed: No Limit (2006) Word PDF Quick Edit
Railroads: Negligent Speed, Causation (2006) Word PDF Quick Edit
Railroads: Duty to Maintain Crossing Signs (2006) Word PDF Quick Edit
Railroads: Duty to Maintain Open View at Crossings (2006) Word PDF Quick Edit
Railroads: Duty to Have Proper Headlights (2006) Word PDF Quick Edit
Railroads: Ultrahazardous or Unusually Dangerous Crossings: Increased Duty (2006) Word PDF Quick Edit
Cause (2021) Word PDF Quick Edit
Cause: Normal Response (1998) Word PDF Quick Edit
Cause: Where Cause of Death is in Doubt (1998) Word PDF Quick Edit
Cause: Relation of a Medical Procedure to the Accident (1998) Word PDF Quick Edit
Negligent Infliction of Severe Emotional Distress (Bystander Claim) (2014) Word PDF Quick Edit
Personal Injuries: Negligent Infliction of Severe Emotional Distress (Separate or Direct Claim) (1/2024) Word PDF Quick Edit
Comparative Negligence: Plaintiff and One or More Defendants (2011) Word PDF Quick Edit
Comparative Negligence: Adult and Child (1990) Word PDF Quick Edit
Comparative Negligence: Plaintiff-Guest and Host-Defendant Negligent (1992) Word PDF Quick Edit
Comparative Negligence: Plaintiff-Guest Passively Negligent; Host (Or Other Driver) Negligent (2003) Word PDF Quick Edit
Comparative Negligence: Guest Passively Negligent; Claims Against and Among Drivers; Apportionment from One Comparative Negligence Question (2015) Word PDF Quick Edit
Comparative Negligence: Guest Passively Negligent; Claims Against and Among Drivers; Apportionment of Comparative Negligence from Two Questions (2003) Word PDF Quick Edit
Comparative Negligence: Where Negligence or Cause Question Has Been Answered by Court (1990) Word PDF Quick Edit
Servant: Driver of Automobile (Presumption from Ownership of Vehicle) (2003) Word PDF Quick Edit
Driver: Scope of Employment (2014) Word PDF Quick Edit
Joint Adventure (Enterprise): Automobile Cases (1990) Word PDF Quick Edit
Damages: General (2016) Word PDF Quick Edit
Damages: Burden of Proof in Tort Actions: Future Damages (Withdrawn in 2001)
Punitive Damages: Nonproducts Liability [For Actions Commenced Before May 17, 1995] (1996) Word PDF Quick Edit
Punitive Damages: Products Liability [For Actions Commenced Before May 17, 1995] (1996) Word PDF Quick Edit
Punitive Damages: Nonproducts Liability (2018) Word PDF Quick Edit
Punitive Damages: Products Liability (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Battery: Punitive Damages: Mitigation by Provocation (Withdrawn in 2010)
Aggravation of Injury Because of Medical Negligence (2015) Word PDF Quick Edit
Aggravation of Pre-existing Injury (1990) Word PDF Quick Edit
Aggravation or Activation of Latent Disease or Condition (1992) Word PDF Quick Edit
Damages from Nonconcurrent or Successive Torts (1992) Word PDF Quick Edit
Damages from Nonconcurrent or Successive Torts (To be used where several tortfeasors are parties) (1996) Word PDF Quick Edit
Enhanced Injuries (2009) Word PDF Quick Edit
Further Injury in Subsequent Event (2003) Word PDF Quick Edit
Damages: Duty to Mitigate: Physical Injuries (2012) Word PDF Quick Edit
Damages: Duty to Mitigate: Negligence or Breach of Contract (2012) Word PDF Quick Edit
Damages: Duty to Mitigate: Intentional Tort (2012) Word PDF Quick Edit
Damages: Not Taxable as Income (1990) Word PDF Quick Edit
Damages: Common Scheme or Plan; Concerted Action (Wis. Stat. § 895.045(2)) (2009) Word PDF Quick Edit
Personal Injuries: Negligence in Informing the Patient (2015) Word PDF Quick Edit
Personal Injuries: Medical Care: Offsetting Benefit from Operation Against Damages for Negligence in Informing the Patient (2015) Word PDF Quick Edit
Personal Injuries: Conversion Table for 1998 Revision of Damage Instructions (1998) Word PDF
Personal Injuries: Subdivided Question as to Past and Future Damages (1998) Word PDF
Personal Injuries: Past and Future: One Verdict Question (Except Past Loss of Earnings and Past Medical Expenses) (1998) Word PDF Quick Edit
Personal Injury: One Subdivided Question as to Past Damages (Withdrawn in 1998)
Personal Injuries: Past Health Care Expenses (2015) Word PDF Quick Edit
Personal Injuries: Past Health Care Expenses (Medical Negligence Cases) (Negligence of Long-Term Care Provider): Collateral Sources (2013) Word PDF Quick Edit
Personal Injuries: Future Health Care Expenses (2010) Word PDF Quick Edit
Personal Injuries: Past Loss of Earning Capacity (2016) Word PDF Quick Edit
Personal Injuries: Future Loss of Earning Capacity (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Personal Injuries: Past Pain, Suffering, and Disability (Disfigurement) (2009) Word PDF Quick Edit
Personal Injuries: Future Pain, Suffering, and Disability (Disfigurement) (1999) Word PDF Quick Edit
Personal Injuries: Past and Future Pain, Suffering, and Disability (Disfigurement) (1998) Word PDF Quick Edit
Personal Injuries: Severe Emotional Distress (2006) Word PDF Quick Edit
Personal Injuries: Loss of Business Profits (Withdrawn in 1998)
Personal Injuries: Past Loss of Professional Earnings (Withdrawn in 1998)
Loss of Earnings: Delay in Obtaining Degree (Withdrawn in 1999)
Personal Injury: Life Expectancy and Mortality Tables (1992) Word PDF Quick Edit
Damages: Present Value of Future Losses (2003) Word PDF Quick Edit
Damages: Effects of Inflation (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Property: Loss of Use of Repairable Automobile (1997) Word PDF Quick Edit
Property: Loss of Use of Nonrepairable Automobile (1997) Word PDF Quick Edit
Property: Destruction of Property (2010) Word PDF Quick Edit
Property: Damage to Repairable Property (2010) Word PDF Quick Edit
Property: Damage to Nonrepairable Property (2010) Word PDF Quick Edit
Property: Damage to a Growing Crop (1997) Word PDF Quick Edit
Trespass: Nominal Damages (2013) Word PDF Quick Edit
Quantum Meruit: Measure of Services Rendered (1992) Word PDF Quick Edit
Injury to Spouse: Loss of Consortium (2012) Word PDF Quick Edit
Injury to Spouse: Past Loss of Earning Capacity: Household Services (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Injury to Spouse: Future Loss of Earning Capacity: Household Services (2001) Word PDF Quick Edit
Injury to Spouse: Nursing Services: Past and Future (1992) Word PDF Quick Edit
Injury to Wife: Medical and Hospital Expenses (Withdrawn in 1995)
Injury to Wife: Medical and Hospital Bills: Dispute over Ownership of Claim (Withdrawn in 1995)
Injury to Minor Child: Parent's Damages for Loss of Child's Earnings and Services: Past and Future (2001) Word PDF Quick Edit
Injury to Minor Child: Parent's Damages for Loss of Society and Companionship (2001) Word PDF Quick Edit
Injury to Parent: Minor Child's Damages for Loss of Society and Companionship (2001) Word PDF Quick Edit
Injury to Minor Child: Parents' Damages for Medical Expenses: Past and Future (1996) Word PDF Quick Edit
Injury to Child: Parents' Damages for Services Rendered to Child: Past and Future (1992) Word PDF Quick Edit
Estate's Recovery for Medical, Hospital, and Funeral Expenses (2016) Word PDF Quick Edit
Estate's Recovery for Pain and Suffering (2018) Word PDF Quick Edit
Death of Husband: Pecuniary Loss (Withdrawn in 1992)
Death of Spouse (Domestic Partner): Pecuniary Loss (2010) Word PDF Quick Edit
Death of Wife: Pecuniary Loss (Withdrawn in 1992)
Death of Spouse: Surviving Spouse's Loss of Society and Companionship (2019) Word PDF Quick Edit
Death of Spouse: Medical, Hospital, and Funeral Expenses (1992) Word PDF Quick Edit
Death of Parent: Pecuniary Loss (2016) Word PDF Quick Edit
Death of Adult Child: Pecuniary Loss (2001) Word PDF Quick Edit
Damages: Death of Minor Child: Premajority Pecuniary Loss (2001) Word PDF Quick Edit
Damages: Death of Minor Child: Postmajority Pecuniary Loss (2001) Word PDF Quick Edit
Death of Child: Parent's Loss of Society and Companionship (2019) Word PDF Quick Edit
Death of Parent: Child's Loss of Society and Companionship (2019) Word PDF Quick Edit
Safe-Place Statute: Duty of Employer (1992) Word PDF Quick Edit
Safe-Place Statute: Injury to Frequenter: Negligence of Employer or Owner of a Place of Employment (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Safe-Place Statute: Definition of Frequenter (1996) Word PDF Quick Edit
Safe-Place Statute: Negligence of Plaintiff Frequenter (2004) Word PDF Quick Edit
Safe-Place Statute: Public Buildings: Negligence of Owner (1990) Word PDF Quick Edit
Safe-Place Statute: Place of Employment: Business (1990) Word PDF Quick Edit
Safe-Place Statute: Control (1992) Word PDF Quick Edit
Nuisance: Law Note (2019) Word PDF Quick Edit
Private Nuisance: Negligent Conduct (2010) Word PDF Quick Edit
Private Nuisance: Abnormally Dangerous Activity: Strict Liability (2010) Word PDF Quick Edit
Private Nuisance: Intentional Conduct (2010) Word PDF Quick Edit
Public Nuisance: Negligent Conduct (2010) Word PDF Quick Edit
Public Nuisance: Abnormally Dangerous Activity: Strict Liability (2010) Word PDF Quick Edit
Public Nuisance: Intentional Conduct (2010) Word PDF Quick Edit
Intentional torts 2000-2900
Intentional Tort: Liability of Minor (2014) Word PDF Quick Edit
Intentional Versus Negligent Conduct (1995) Word PDF Quick Edit
Assault (2011) Word PDF Quick Edit
Battery (2011) Word PDF Quick Edit
Battery: Offensive Bodily Contact (2015) Word PDF Quick Edit
Battery: Self-Defense (2013) Word PDF Quick Edit
Battery: Self-Defense; Defendant's Dwelling, Motor Vehicle, Place of Business; Wis. Stat. § 895.62 (2016) Word PDF Quick Edit
Battery: Defense of Property (2013) Word PDF Quick Edit
Battery: Liability of an Aider and Abettor (2011) Word PDF Quick Edit
Battery: Excessive Force in Arrest (2002) Word PDF Quick Edit
Assault and Battery: Offensive Bodily Contact (Renumbered Civil JI-2005.5 in 2011)
Sports Injury: Reckless or Intentional Misconduct (1/2023) Word PDF Quick Edit
False Imprisonment: Definition (2014) Word PDF Quick Edit
False Imprisonment: Compensatory Damages (2014) Word PDF
False Arrest: Law Enforcement Officer; Without Warrant (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Federal Civil Rights: §§ 1981 and 1982 Actions (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Federal Civil Rights: § 1983 Actions (Withdrawn in 2014)
Federal Civil Rights: Excessive Force in Arrest (in Maintaining Jail Security) (Withdrawn in 2014)
Conversion: Dispossession (2014) Word PDF Quick Edit
Conversion: Refusal to Return Upon Demand (Refusal by Bailee) (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Conversion: Destruction or Abuse of Property (1991) Word PDF Quick Edit
Conversion: Damages (2016) Word PDF Quick Edit
Misrepresentation: Bases for Liability and Damages - Law Note for Trial Judges (1/2023) Word PDF
Misrepresentation: Intentional Deceit (1/2023) Word PDF Quick Edit
Misrepresentation: Strict Responsibility (1/2023) Word PDF Quick Edit
Misrepresentation: Negligence (1/2023) Word PDF Quick Edit
Intentional Misrepresentation: Measure of Damages in Actions Involving Sale [Exchange] of Property (Benefit of the Bargain) (2018) Word PDF Quick Edit
Strict Responsibility: Measure of Damages in Actions Involving Sale [Exchange] of Property (Benefit of the Bargain) (2018) Word PDF Quick Edit
Negligent Misrepresentation: Measure of Damages in Actions Involving Sale [Exchange] of Property (Out of Pocket Rule) (2014) Word PDF Quick Edit
Unfair Trade Practice: Untrue, Deceptive, or Misleading Representation: Wis. Stat. § 100.18(1) (2021) Word PDF Quick Edit
Property Loss Through Fraudulent Misrepresentation: Wis. Stat. § 895.446 (Based on Conduct (Fraud) Prohibited by Wis. Stat. § 943.20) (2018) Word PDF Quick Edit
Civil Theft: Wis. Stat. § 895.446 (Based on Conduct (Theft) Prohibited by Wis. Stat. § 943.20(1)(a)) (2019) Word PDF Quick Edit
Defamation - Law Note for Trial Judges (7/2024) Word PDF
Defamation: Private Individual Versus Private Individual, No Privilege (1/2023) Word PDF Quick Edit
Defamation: Truth as a Defense (Nonmedia Defendant) (1/2023) Word PDF Quick Edit
Defamation: Truth of Statement (First Amendment Cases) (1/2023) Word PDF Quick Edit
Defamation: Private Individual Versus Private Individual with Conditional Privilege (1/2024) Word PDF Quick Edit
Defamation: Private Individual Versus Media Defendant (Negligent Standard) (2003) Word PDF Quick Edit
Defamation: Truth as Defense Where Plaintiff Charged with Commission of a Crime (Withdrawn in 1993)
Defamation: Public Figure Versus Media Defendant or Private Figure with Constitutional Privilege (Actual Malice) (7/2024) Word PDF Quick Edit
Defamation: Truth as Defense Where Plaintiff Not Charged with Commission of a Crime (Withdrawn in 1993)
Defamation: Express Malice (1/2023) Word PDF Quick Edit
Defamation: Effect of Defamatory Statement or Publication (Withdrawn in 1993)
Defamation: Compensatory Damages (1991) Word PDF Quick Edit
Defamation: Conditional Privilege: Abuse of Privilege (Renumbered Civil JI-2507 in 1993)
Defamation: Public Official: Abuse of Privilege (Renumbered Civil JI-2511 in 1993)
Defamation: Express Malice (Renumbered Civil JI-2513 in 1993)
Defamation: Punitive Damages (2003) Word PDF Quick Edit
Invasion of Privacy (Publication of a Private Matter) Wis. Stat. § 995.50(2)(c) (1/2024) Word PDF Quick Edit
Invasion of Privacy: Highly Offensive Intrusion; Wis. Stat. § 995.50(2)(a) (1/2024) Word PDF Quick Edit
Invasion of Privacy: Publication of a Private Matter: Conditional Privilege (2003) Word PDF Quick Edit
Malicious Prosecution: Instituting a Criminal Proceeding (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Malicious Prosecution: Instituting a Civil Proceeding (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Malicious Prosecution: Advice of Counsel: Affirmative Defense (Criminal Proceeding) (2015) Word PDF Quick Edit
Malicious Prosecution: Advice of Counsel: Affirmative Defense (Civil Proceeding) (2015) Word PDF Quick Edit
Abuse of Process (2013) Word PDF Quick Edit
Home Improvement Practices Act Violation; Wisconsin Administrative Code Chapter ATCP 110; Wis. Stat. § 100.20 (2013) Word PDF Quick Edit
Theft by Contractor (Wis. Stat. § 779.02(5)) (1/2023) Word PDF Quick Edit
Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress (2020) Word PDF Quick Edit
Employment Relations: Wrongful Discharge - Public Policy (7/2024) Word PDF Quick Edit
Bad Faith by Insurance Company (Excess Verdict Case) (2003) Word PDF Quick Edit
Bad Faith by Insurance Company: Assured's Claim (2012) Word PDF Quick Edit
Bad Faith by Insurance Company: Third Party Employee Claim Against Worker's Compensation Carrier (Withdrawn in 2009)
Wisconsin Fair Dealership Law: Existence of Dealership (2020) Word PDF Quick Edit
Wisconsin Fair Dealership Law: Good Cause for Termination, Cancellation, Nonrenewal, Failure to Renew, or Substantial Change in Competitive Circumstances (Wis. Stat. § 135.03) (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Wisconsin Fair Dealership Law: Adequate Notice by Grantor (Wis. Stat. § 135.04) (2005) Word PDF Quick Edit
Wisconsin Fair Dealership Law: Special Verdict (2005) Word PDF Quick Edit
Intentional Interference with Contractual Relationship (1/2024) Word PDF Quick Edit
Trade Name Infringement (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Trade Name Infringement: Damages (2010) Word PDF Quick Edit
Conspiracy: Defined (2018) Word PDF Quick Edit
Conspiracy: Proof of Membership (2003) Word PDF Quick Edit
Conspiracy: Indirect Proof (2003) Word PDF Quick Edit
Conspiracy to be Viewed as a Whole (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Conspiracy between Affiliated Corporations (Withdrawn in 2009)
Conspiracy: Overt Acts (2003) Word PDF Quick Edit
Injury to Business: (Wis. Stat. § 134.01) (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Restraint of Will (Wis. Stat. § 134.01) (2003) Word PDF Quick Edit
Contracts 3010-3760
Agreement (2011) Word PDF Quick Edit
Offer: Making (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Offer: Acceptance (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Offer: Rejection (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Offer: Revocation (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Consideration (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Definiteness and Certainty (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Implied Contract: General (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Implied Contract: Promise to Pay Reasonable Value (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Contracts Implied in Law (Unjust Enrichment) (7/2023) Word PDF Quick Edit
Modification by Mutual Assent (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Modification by Conduct (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Novation (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Integration of Several Writings (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Partial Integration: Contract Partly Written, Partly Oral (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Implied Duty of Good Faith (Performance of Contract) (2007) Word PDF Quick Edit
Definitions - "Bona Fide" (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Implied Promise of No Hindrance (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Time as an Element (2016) Word PDF Quick Edit
Duration (2016) Word PDF Quick Edit
Contracts: Subsequent Construction by Parties (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Contracts: Ambiguous Language (2012) Word PDF Quick Edit
Substantial Performance (1994) Word PDF Quick Edit
Breach of Contract (2007) Word PDF Quick Edit
Demand for Performance (2014) Word PDF Quick Edit
Sale of Goods: Delivery or Tender of Performance (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Waiver (2018) Word PDF Quick Edit
Waiver of Strict Performance (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Hindrance or Interference with Performance (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Impossibility: Original (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Impossibility: Supervening (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Impossibility: Partial (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Impossibility: Temporary (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Impossibility: Superior Authority (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Impossibility: Act of God (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Impossibility: Disability or Death of a Party (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Voidable Contracts: Duress, Fraud, Misrepresentation (2016) Word PDF Quick Edit
Frustration of Purpose (2020) Word PDF Quick Edit
Avoidance for Mutual Mistake of Fact (2014) Word PDF Quick Edit
Estoppel: Law Note for Trial Judges (2018) Word PDF
Contracts: Rescission for Nonperformance (2001) Word PDF Quick Edit
Abandonment: Mutual (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Termination of easement by abandonment (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Termination of Servant's Employment: Indefinite Duration (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Termination of Servant's Employment: Employer's Dissatisfaction (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Termination of Servant's Employment: Additional Consideration Provided by Employee (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Real Estate Listing Contract: Validity: Performance (2019) Word PDF Quick Edit
Real Estate Listing Contract: Termination for Cause (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Real Estate Listing Contract: Broker's Commission on Sale Subsequent to Expiration of Contract Containing "Extension" Clause (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Residential Eviction: Possession of Premises (2020) Word PDF Quick Edit
Landlord - Tenant: Constructive Eviction (2013) Word PDF Quick Edit
Insurance Contract: Misrepresentation or Breach of Affirmative Warranty by the Insured (1998) Word PDF Quick Edit
Insurance Contract: Failure of Condition or Breach of Promissory Warranty (1994) Word PDF Quick Edit
Insurance Contract: Definition of "Resident" or "Member of a Household" (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Owner's Permission for Use of Automobile (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Failure of Insured to Cooperate (2016) Word PDF Quick Edit
Failure to Cooperate: Materiality (2016) Word PDF Quick Edit
Failure to Give Notice to Insurer (1994) Word PDF Quick Edit
Failure to Give Notice to Insurer: Materiality (2002) Word PDF Quick Edit
Products Liability: Law Note (2021) Word PDF
Implied Warranty: Merchantability Defined (2009) Word PDF Quick Edit
Implied Warranty: Fitness for Particular Purpose (1994) Word PDF Quick Edit
Implied Warranty: By Reason of Course of Dealing or Usage of Trade (1994) Word PDF Quick Edit
Implied Warranty: Sale of Food (1994) Word PDF Quick Edit
Implied Warranty: Exclusion or Modification (2009) Word PDF Quick Edit
Implied Warranty: Exclusion by Reason of Course of Dealing or Usage of Trade (1994) Word PDF Quick Edit
Implied Warranty: Use of Product after the Defect Known (2009) Word PDF Quick Edit
Implied Warranty: Failure to Examine Product (2009) Word PDF Quick Edit
Implied Warranty: Susceptibility or Allergy of User (2009) Word PDF Quick Edit
Implied Warranty: Improper Use (1994) Word PDF Quick Edit
Implied Warranty: Notice of Breach (1993) Word PDF Quick Edit
Express Warranty: General (1994) Word PDF Quick Edit
Express Warranty: No Duty of Inspection (1994) Word PDF Quick Edit
Express Warranty: Statement of Opinion (1994) Word PDF Quick Edit
Express Warranty under the Uniform Commercial Code (1994) Word PDF Quick Edit
Negligence: Duty of Manufacturer (2007) Word PDF Quick Edit
Negligence: Duty of Manufacturer (2020) Word PDF Quick Edit
Negligence: Duty of Manufacturer (Seller) to Give Adequate Instructions as to Use of a Complicated Machine (Product) (1994) Word PDF Quick Edit
Negligence: Duty of Manufacturer (Seller) Who Undertakes to Give Instruction as to the Use of a Machine (Product) (1994) Word PDF Quick Edit
Negligence: Duty of Restaurant Operator in Sale of Food Containing Harmful Natural Ingredients (1994) Word PDF Quick Edit
Negligence: Duty of Seller: Installing (Servicing) Product (1994) Word PDF Quick Edit
Duty of Buyer or Consumer: Contributory Negligence (2015) Word PDF Quick Edit
Strict Liability: Duty of Manufacturer to Ultimate User (For Actions Commenced Before February 1, 2011) (2014) Word PDF Quick Edit
Product Liability: Wis. Stat. § 895.047 (For Actions Commenced after January 31, 2011) (1/2024) Word PDF Quick Edit
Strict Liability: Duty of Manufacturer (Supplier) to Warn (For Actions Commenced Before February 1, 2011) (2014) Word PDF Quick Edit
Strict Liability: Definition of Business (1994) Word PDF Quick Edit
Strict Liability: Contributory Negligence (2015) Word PDF Quick Edit
Strict Products Liability: Special Verdict (For Actions Commenced Before February 1, 2011) (2014) Word PDF Quick Edit
Product Liability: Wis. Stat. § 895.047: Verdict (For Actions Commenced after January 31, 2011) (2014) Word PDF Quick Edit
Risk Contribution: Negligence: Verdict (For Actions Commenced Before February 1, 2011) (2014) Word PDF Quick Edit
Risk Contribution: Negligence Claim (For Actions Commenced Before February 1, 2011) (2014) Word PDF Quick Edit
Risk Contribution: Negligence: Verdict (Wis. Stat. § 895.046) (For Actions Commenced after January 31, 2011) (2014) Word PDF Quick Edit
Lemon Law Claim: Special Verdict (2016) Word PDF Quick Edit
Lemon Law Claim: Nonconformity (2001) Word PDF Quick Edit
Lemon Law Claim: Four Attempts to Repair: Same Nonconformity (1999) Word PDF Quick Edit
Lemon Law Claim: Out of Service Warranty Nonconformity (Warranty on or after March 1, 2014) (2016) Word PDF Quick Edit
Lemon Law Claim: Failure to Repair (Relating to Special Verdict Question 6) (2006) Word PDF Quick Edit
Magnuson Moss Claim (2020) Word PDF Quick Edit
Damages: Building Contracts: Measure of Damages (2012) Word PDF Quick Edit
Consequential Damages for Breach of Contract (2018) Word PDF Quick Edit
Damages: Incidental (1994) Word PDF Quick Edit
Damages: Future Profits (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Damages: Loss of Expectation (1994) Word PDF Quick Edit
Damages: Termination of Real Estate Listing Contract (Exclusive) by Seller; Broker's Recovery (1994) Word PDF Quick Edit
Damages: Breach of Contract by Purchaser (1994) Word PDF Quick Edit
Damages: Breach of Contract by Seller (1994) Word PDF Quick Edit
Damages: Attorney Fees (1994) Word PDF Quick Edit
Agency, Employment, Business organizations 4000-4080
Agency: Definition (2019) Word PDF Quick Edit
General Agent: Definition (1994) Word PDF Quick Edit
Special Agent: Definition (1994) Word PDF Quick Edit
Agency: Apparent Authority (1994) Word PDF Quick Edit
Agency: Implied Authority (1994) Word PDF Quick Edit
Agency: Ratification (1994) Word PDF Quick Edit
Agent's Duties Owed to Principal (1994) Word PDF Quick Edit
Agency: Without Compensation (2005) Word PDF Quick Edit
Agency: Termination: General (1994) Word PDF Quick Edit
Agency: Termination: Notice to Third Parties (1994) Word PDF Quick Edit
Servant: Definition (2015) Word PDF Quick Edit
Servant: Scope of Employment (2020) Word PDF Quick Edit
Servant: Scope of Employment; Going to and from Place of Employment (2014) Word PDF Quick Edit
Servant: Scope of Employment While Traveling (2020) Word PDF Quick Edit
Servant: Master's Ratification of Wrongful Acts Done Outside Scope of Employment (1994) Word PDF Quick Edit
Servant: Vicarious Liability of Employer (2005) Word PDF Quick Edit
Independent Contractor: Definition (2005) Word PDF Quick Edit
Partnership (2009) Word PDF Quick Edit
Persons 5001-7070
Paternity: Child of Unmarried Woman (2021) Word PDF Quick Edit
Child in Need of Protection or Services (Withdrawn in 2014)
Involuntary Termination of Parental Rights: Child in Need of Protection or Services: Preliminary Instruction (Withdrawn in 2014)
Involuntary Termination of Parental Rights: Continuing Need of Protection or Services (Withdrawn in 2014)
Involuntary Termination of Parental Rights: Abandonment under Wis. Stat. § 48.415(1)(a) 2 or 3 (Withdrawn in 2014)
Involuntary Commitment: Mentally Ill (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Involuntary Commitment: Mentally Ill: Recommitment Alleging Wis. Stat. 51.20(1)(am) (1/2023) Word PDF Quick Edit
Petition for Guardianship of the Person: Incompetency; Wis. Stat. § 54.10(3)(a)2 (2019) Word PDF Quick Edit
Petition for Guardianship of the Estate: Incompetency; Wis. Stat. § 54.10(3)(a)3 (2009) Word PDF Quick Edit
Petition for Guardianship of the Estate: Spendthrift; Wis. Stat. § 54.10(2) (2009) Word PDF Quick Edit
Petition for Guardianship of Incompetent Person and Application for Protective Placement; Wis. Stat. § 54.10 and 55.08(1) (2019) Word PDF Quick Edit
Petition for Guardianship of Incompetent Person and Application for Protective Services; Wis. Stat. § 54.10 and 55.08(2) (2014) Word PDF Quick Edit
Involuntary Commitment: Habitual Lack of Self-Control as to the Use of Alcohol Beverages (2003) Word PDF Quick Edit
Property 8012-8145
Trespasser: Definition (2013) Word PDF Quick Edit
Consent of Possessor to Another's Being on Premises (2013) Word PDF Quick Edit
Duty of Hotelkeeper to Furnish Reasonably Safe Premises and Furniture for Guests (Renumbered Civil JI-8051 in 1994)
Duty of Owner or Possessor of Real Property to Nontrespasser User (2020) Word PDF Quick Edit
Trespass: Owner's Duty to Trespasser; Duty to Child Trespasser (Attractive Nuisance) (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Trespass: Special Verdict (2016) Word PDF Quick Edit
Trespass: Child Trespasser (Attractive Nuisance): Special Verdict (2013) Word PDF Quick Edit
Duty of Owner of a Building Abutting on a Public Highway (2006) Word PDF Quick Edit
Highway or Sidewalk Defect or Insufficiency (2021) Word PDF Quick Edit
Duty of Owner of Place of Amusement: Common Law (1994) Word PDF Quick Edit
Duty of a Proprietor of a Place of Business to Protect a Patron from Injury Caused by Act of Third Person (2012) Word PDF Quick Edit
Duty of Hotel Innkeeper: Providing Security (1994) Word PDF Quick Edit
Duty of Hotelkeeper to Furnish Reasonably Safe Premises and Furniture for Guests (2020) Word PDF Quick Edit
Adverse Possession Not Founded on Written Instrument (Wis. Stat. § 893.25) (7/2023) Word PDF Quick Edit
Prescriptive rights by user: domestic corporation, cooperative association, or cooperative [Wis. Stat. § 893.28 (2)] (1/2023) Word PDF Quick Edit
Eminent Domain: Fair Market Value (Total Taking) (1/2023) Word PDF Quick Edit
Eminent Domain: Fair Market Value (Partial Taking) (2012) Word PDF Quick Edit
Eminent Domain: Severance Damages (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Eminent Domain: Severance Damages: Cost-To-Cure (2007) Word PDF Quick Edit
Eminent Domain: Unity of Use - Two or More Parcels (2007) Word PDF Quick Edit
Eminent Domain: Lands Containing Marketable Materials (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Eminent Domain: Severance Damages; Unity of Use (Renumbered Civil JI-8104 in 2008)
Eminent Domain: Change in Grade (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Eminent Domain: Access Rights (1/2023) Word PDF Quick Edit
Eminent Domain: Air Rights (2007) Word PDF Quick Edit
Taking of a Limited Easement (1/2024) Word PDF Quick Edit
Eminent Domain: Special Benefits (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Eminent Domain: Comparable Sales Approach (2022) Word PDF Quick Edit
Eminent Domain: Inconvenience to Landowner (Withdrawn in 2008)
Eminent Domain: Income Approach (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Eminent Domain: Cost Approach (2008) Word PDF Quick Edit
Eminent Domain: Legal Nonconforming Use, Lot or Structure (Definitions) (2007) Word PDF Quick Edit
Eminent Domain: Assemblage (2007) Word PDF Quick Edit