Wisconsin Civil Jury Instructions
Wis. JI—Civil 1255 (2022)Right of Way: Pedestrian's Duty: Standing or Loitering on Highway Crosswalk; Suddenly Leaving Curb or Place of Safety
Last revised in 2022.
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WordRelated Cases:
- Estate of Zhu v. Hodgson
2021 WI App 10, 395 Wis.2d 768, 954 N.W.2d 748 - Hintz v. Mielke
15 Wis.2d 258, 112 N.W.2d 720 - Schoenauer v. Wendinger
49 Wis.2d 415, 182 N.W.2d 441 - Schueler v. City of Madison
49 Wis.2d 695, 183 N.W.2d 116
This instruction is also found in the print edition of the Wisconsin Civil Jury Instructions, volume 1.
Cite this instruction as: Wis. JI—Civil 1255 (2022)
The Wisconsin Civil Jury Instructions are created and edited by the Wisconsin Civil Jury Instructions Committee of the Wisconsin Judicial Conference. Instructions include contributions from the University of Wisconsin-Madison Law School, and are used with its permission.