WSLL @ Your Service December 2024
Start Here: A Guide to Drunk and Impaired Driving Research - Daphne Goldfinch
December is National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. From December 13, 2024 to January 1, 2025, Wisconsin will participate in the national enforcement and visibility campaign Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over.
The Wisconsin State Law Library has a number of print and electronic resources that can help you research law related to impaired driving in Wisconsin. Our newest database, VitalLaw, adds to this collection by making resources on drunk driving more accessible than ever.
See descriptions of some available resources highlighted below, or download our Drunk and Impaired Driving Guide for a complete list.
Defense of Drunk Driving Cases - Civil, Criminal
KF 8925 .T7 E73 and Lexis+
A four volume treatise designed for the civil lawyer representing a defendant facing an impaired driving charge. Focused on both the legal and scientific elements of drunk driving, this treatise does not focus on any one state and includes a practice guide. For the most up-to-date version, see Lexis+.
Drinking/Driving Litigation: Criminal & Civil
KF 8925 .T7 N51 (Milwaukee) and Westlaw
Half science and half law, this four volume treatise seeks to provide lawyers with up-to-date information on drunk driving and liquor liability cases. Complete with a bibliography of relevant scientific references, lawyers can find chapters on specific chemical tests used with drunk driving cases as well as detailed explanations of drunk driving case and trial components. For the most up-to-date version, see Westlaw.
Drunk Driving Defense
KF 8925 .T7 T319 and VitalLaw
Updated yearly since 1981, this treatise reflects the current complexities lawyers face when defending a drunk driving case across the United States. It contains a complete copy of the NHTSA Field Sobriety Test Manual and takes a practical approach to elements of a drunk driving case - readers can find sample arguments and motions, as well as various checklists.
Intoxication Test Evidence
KF 8925 .T7 F57
This book includes 83 chapters plus appendices on the topic of blood alcohol and related tests as used in drunk driving cases. This three volume treatise takes a deep dive into the science of alcohol and driving, considering types of tests, their results, and their implications for the courtroom. Contains guidelines for the deposition of forensic lab staff and the preparation of expert witnesses.
Traffic Law and Practice in Wisconsin
KFW 2696 .T726
A two volume resource from the State Bar of Wisconsin focuses solely on traffic law and violations in Wisconsin. Chapters 6 through 8 cover impaired driving offenses, legislation, chemical testing, and legal defense of drunk driving cases.
Wisconsin OWI Defense: the Law and Practice
KFW 2697.8 .M57 2020
New Books - Chris Schroeder
New Edition! Domestic torts, by R. Keith Perkins
Call number: KF 1269 .K37 2024-2025
Domestic Torts: Divorce Injury Claims in Family Law is a guide for attorneys navigating the expanding field of domestic torts. This updated edition offers a full examination of claims related to domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, and more, providing important insights into litigation strategies, potential remedies, and the psychological dynamics at play. With its clear, state-by-state analysis, the book serves as a vital resource for legal professionals seeking to understand and capitalize on this growing area of law, while also addressing the risks of malpractice for those who overlook such claims. A must-have for attorneys in both family law and personal injury practice, this book offers invaluable expertise in securing positive outcomes for clients facing complex divorce-related injury claims.
Topics include:
- Litigation approaches
- Injury types and remedies
- Defense options
- Insurance issues
- Potentially liable third-party defendants
New Edition: Jury selection: the law, art, and science of selecting a jury, by Ellen Kreitzberg
Call Number: KF 8979 .G63 2024-2025
Jury Selection: The Law, Art and Science of Selecting a Jury provides a practical guide to the jury selection process, blending social science research with proven legal strategies. This book covers essential topics such as voir dire techniques, community analysis, and both civil and criminal jury selection, offering insights for both plaintiff and defense attorneys. It includes real-world tips for engaging with jurors, addressing biases, and making a positive impression in the courtroom. With detailed explanations and useful tools like sample questions and a thorough index, this is a valuable resource for anyone involved in jury selection.
Topics include:
- Characteristics and features of the jury
- Mock and shadow juries
- Peremptory challenges
- Approaches to jury selection
- Community analysis: goals and methodologies
See our latest New Titles list for a list of new books and other resources.
For assistance in accessing these or other resources, please contact our Reference Desk.
Tech Tip - Heidi Yelk
Pill Identifier Tool
You may have heard the news that Wisconsin ranked first among states in collecting the most prescription medicines for Drug Take Back Day, Fall 2024. Many people have expired, unwanted, or unknown medication around their house. How do you identify an unknown pill? has a fast and easy-to-use pill identifier tool using pill imprint, colors, and shapes. All prescription and over the counter pills are required to have an imprint code. Drug labeling is also regulated by the FDA in, Title 21, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 201.
The next Drug Take Back Day will be held in April 2025. However, there are many sites in Wisconsin with permanent drug drop boxes. See the Department of Health Servicers map of drop boxes.
Library news - Carol Hassler
December and January state holidays
All three libraries will be closed on December 24 and 25, and 31, and January 1 for designated state holidays. While we are closed, please send questions to or leave a voicemail at 608-267-9696. We will get back to you on the next business day.
After Hours library use
It's time to renew your After Hours access for 2025! The Wisconsin State Law Library offers After Hours subscription access to the Lavinia Goodell State Law Library to any attorney licensed to practice in this state. After Hours Service includes the hours of 7:00 to 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 to 10:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, including holidays.
Subscribers have access to the library's print and microform materials, public access computer stations and Wi-Fi. Subscribers may make photocopies, use the public scanner to email documents, and check out library materials after hours.
After Hours Service is offered on a calendar year subscription basis. Each attorney must maintain their own individual subscription. Current subscribers may renew (with an existing key fob) for $100 or sign up for new access for $108.
Renew or subscribe online, or complete an After Hours Service first-time subscription or renewal application form and mail it with a check or money order payable to Wisconsin State Law Library, to:
After Hours Service
Wisconsin State Law Library
P.O. Box 7881
Madison, WI 53707-7881
For more information, contact Jaden Henneman at 608-261-7553 or at
December Snapshot
Douglas County Courthouse "a symbol of civic strength"
Photo by Abby Hoffman
The historic Douglas County Courthouse in Superior features a striking "light court" illuminating three stories. The architectural significance and the historical significance of the courthouse is recorded in this 1981 survey by the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Construction of the building was made possible only after the legislature agreed to allow the county to hold a referendum on a new courthouse in 1916.
In describing the courthouse, the survey states: "the building employs the full range of symbolic conventions associated with public architecture during the period. The classical facade is both restrained and impressive, a self-conscious symbol of civic strength and virtues, while the interior provides a grandiose public space for the enjoyment of the citizens."
We are accepting snapshots! Do you have a photo highlighting libraries, attractions or points of historical interest? Send your photo the editor at to be included in a future issue.