Wisconsin State Law Library

Serving the Wisconsin Supreme Court and State of Wisconsin

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Legal Assistance

There are legal aid offices throughout the United States. These organizations provide free or low-cost legal help to people who cannot afford to hire a lawyer. While many legal aid offices only help people with very low incomes, some offices have more flexible income rules or may not have any restrictions at all. Some legal aid organizations focus on one area of law, while others may assist in many types of legal issues. In this page, find lists of organizations or clinics available in your county, along with statewide and nationwide sources for further help.

Get help in your county


Statewide legal help

The following organizations provide legal representation, mediation, or arbitration services for Wisconsin residents. Some services are restricted to low-income individuals.

  • Free Legal Answers - Wisconsin (American Bar Association)
    Free to Wisconsin residents. Ask your legal question online and volunteer attorneys may answer your question through the website.
  • Lawyers for Learners
    Lawyers for Learners partners with colleges across Wisconsin to connect students and prospective students with free legal help. Virtual or in-person help may include criminal background and arrest records from civil and municipal court proceedings, such as retail theft citations, driver's license recovery, expungement, pardons, gender marker change and name change, and referrals for other legal issues (example: immigration, family law, housing). Fill out the form on their website to request an appointment.
  • LIFT Wisconsin Legal Tune-up
    Helps remove eligible eviction or criminal records from WCCA. Accesses public data to assist users with resolving some legal issues and directs people to the legal and employment services they may need or want.
  • Modest Means Program (State Bar of Wisconsin)
    Part of the State Bar's Lawyer Referral and Information Service. Assists people whose income is too high to qualify for free legal services, but too low to pay a lawyer’s standard rate.
  • State Bar of Wisconsin Lawyer Referral and Information Service
    Request a referral to a Wisconsin attorney by calling (800) 362-9082 or filling out the online request form.
  • Wisconsin Law Help
    A statewide directory of legal assistance organizations, law-related services, and clinic.

The following organizations may offer help in specific areas of the state. Check your county listing at the top of the page for more information.

  • Community Justice Incorporated
    A law firm that represents low-income individuals and families involved in landlord/tenant, disability and mental health, employment, family, child welfare, education, discrimination, consumer/credit, land use, environmental issues.
  • Economic Justice Institute (UW Law School)
    Home to the law school's legal assistance programs:
  • Legal Action of Wisconsin
    Provides civil legal services for WI low-income persons. Assists people with legal issues involving divorce, child custody/support, domestic violence, elder abuse, health care, Medicare, Social Security, public benefits, employment, guardianship, migrant workers, landlord/tenant, and more. Offices in Green Bay, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Oshkosh, and Racine.
  • Wisconsin Judicare
    Serves low-income people in 33 northern counties of WI. Handles cases involving bankruptcy, social security and SSI, family law, health, housing, income maintenance, wills, and Indian law.


Help by area of law

We list some nationwide, statewide, or local resources on this page. For more organizations focused on a specific topic, be sure to check the research topic page from our legal topic index.


Civil Rights

  • American Civil Liberties Union of Wisconsin
    Selects cases which are believed to have the greatest impact on protecting civil liberties in Wisconsin.
  • Lambda
    Legal information and assistance with discrimination related to sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and HIV status.

Elder Law

Federal Courts

Health & Disabilities

  • ABC for Health, Inc
    Legal staff may help you "challenge health insurance claim denials, negotiate with creditors, and represent you in appeals before government agencies."
  • Aging and Disability Resource Center
    Disability Benefit Specialists assist individuals between the ages of 18 and 59 who have physical disabilities, developmental disabilities, mental health issues and/or substance abuse issues
  • Disability Benefit Specialist Program (WI Dept. of Health Services)
  • Disability Rights Wisconsin
    Offers individual advocacy for people with developmental disabilities identified prior to age 22, mental illness who live in institutions or the community, or people with mental, physical, sensory or neurological disabilities who face discrimination, face barriers to independence, or lack need services due to their disability.
  • Vivent Health Legal Services
    Attorneys who specialize in the complex legal issues associated with HIV/AIDS including confidentiality, disability benefits, power of attorney for health care, bankruptcy, wills and guardianships. Represents and counsels people regardless of their ability to pay.

Military & Armed Forces

Wisconsin Communities

Wisconsin Legal Aid Initiatives

County Resources

Recommended links from our County Resources database:

  • Legal Assistance

    • Community Immigration Law Center
      (608) 640-4444 Offers brief consultations on basic legal immigration issues on a first come, first serve basis. Case assessment and legal advice provided by our volunteer immigration lawyers. Assistance with immigration forms and fillings.
    • Lawyer Referral and Information Service - Milwaukee Bar Association
      (414) 274-6768 Provides referrals to attorneys and community resources including government or nonprofit agencies when possible. Attorneys are available for a wide variety of legal issues. Attorneys will charge standard fees for services. The first half hour consultation with an attorney will cost $20 or less.
    • Restorative Justice Project
      (608) 262-2240 Provides mediation services between victims/survivors of crime and criminal offenders throughout the State of Wisconsin.
    • Wisconsin Legal Assistance For Military Personnel
      Legal help for service members, veterans, and their families.
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