- Bankruptcy Help (Upsolve)
Information and a free Chapter 7 bankruptcy automated forms assistant. - Bankruptcy
Basics (The Federal Judiciary)
Designed "to provide the public with basic information on different aspects of the federal bankruptcy laws, to provide individuals considering bankruptcy with a basic explanation of the different chapters under which a bankruptcy case may be filed, and to answer some of the most commonly asked questions about the bankruptcy process." - Bankruptcy: Answering Your Legal Questions (State Bar of WI)
- Bankruptcy Pros & Cons (American Bar Association)
- Bankruptcy Terminology (Western District of WI)
- Chapter 7
- Chapter 7 Checklist (Western District Court of WI)
- Chapter 7 Bankruptcy (United States Courts)
- Chapter 13
- Chapter 13 Checklist (Western District Court of WI)
- Chapter
13 Bankruptcy (United States Courts)
- Corporate Bankruptcy (U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission)
- Courts
- U.S. Bankruptcy Court Eastern District of Wisconsin
- U.S. Bankruptcy Court Western District of Wisconsin
Obtain case & docket information from federal circuit, district, and bankruptcy courts. Docket information includes a claims registry, a listing of parties & participants in the case, information about the suit & dollar demand, a chronology of case events, case status, types of documents filed for certain cases, judgments, and appellate court opinions. Search PACER by specific court or use the U.S. Party/Case Index
- Forms
- Bankruptcy and Debt Amortization Forms from Wisconsin Counties (WI State Law Library)
- Bankruptcy Forms (US Court)
- Census Bureau, IRS Data, and Administrative Expenses Multipliers for Forms 22A or 22C (US Dept. of Justice)
- U.S. Bankruptcy
Court. Eastern District of WI Forms
Select Bankruptcy Forms from left-hand menu. - U.S. Bankruptcy Court. Western District of WI Forms
- Public Companies
- WebBRD
Locate information on public company bankruptcies including pre-filing information, cause of bankruptcy, outcome, etc. Generate statistical reports. Cases dating from 1980 to the present.
- WebBRD
- Statistics
- Bankruptcy Statistics (Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts)
- Wisconsin Statutes ch. 128
- WI Statutes: ch. 128 "Creditors' Actions"
- Chapter 128 Debt Amortization Forms from Wisconsin Counties (WI State Law Library)
- Check the law review articles on this page for more on Chapter 128
The Law (Additional statutes, regulations & opinions may apply to your specific situation.)
- U.S. Code: 11 USC "Bankruptcy"
- U.S. Code: 18
USC 151-158 "Bankruptcy"
Bankruptcy statutes including criminal penalties for fraud and other misconduct. - Rules:
County Resources
Recommended links from our County Resources database:
Legal Assistance
- Bankruptcy Assistance Program
(608) 204-9642 Assists individuals with Chapter 7 bankruptcy questions. - Bankruptcy Pro Se Help Desk
- Bankruptcy Assistance Program
Court Forms
- Application for Order of Satisfaction of Judgment Due to Discharge in Bankruptcy - Instructions (Dane Clerk of Court)
- Instructions for Order for Satisfaction of Judgment Due to Discharge in Bankruptcy (Waukesha Clerk of Court)
- Amortization of debt (Chapter 128) (Milwaukee Justice Center)
Step by step instructions - Filing an Amortization of Debt (Chapter 128) Case (Milwaukee Justice Center)
Includes forms. - Satisfying Judgments Due to Bankruptcy (Manitowoc Clerk of Courts)
- Amortization of debt (Chapter 128) (Milwaukee Justice Center)
Related Topics
Law Review Articles
- Bankruptcy Basics for Attorneys Pt. 1
84 Wis Lawyer 3 (Mar 2011) - Chapter 128 filings on the rise in Wisconsin
Milwaukee Jnl Sentinel, July 5, 2010 - Chapter 128: Wisconsin's Bankruptcy Alternative
81 Wis Lawyer 5 (May 2008) - Part 2: Bankruptcy Basics for Attorneys
84 Wis Lawyer 4 (Apr 2011) - Personal Receivership: an Alternative to Bankruptcy (Chapter 128)
Wis. Lawyer (Sept 1990)