Business Law
- Agencies & Organizations
- Wisconsin
- Law & Entrepreneurship Clinic (UW Law School)
Provides legal services to entrepreneurs and small business owners. - WI Dept. of Safety & Professional Services
- WI District Office (U.S. Small Business Administration)
Determine if you qualify for a small business loan & learn how to apply. Access resources for the small business owner in Wisconsin. - WI Economic Development Corporation
- Law & Entrepreneurship Clinic (UW Law School)
- Federal
- (U.S. Small Business
"A one-stop, common access point for Federal Government services and information needed to assist with starting, running, and growing a business." Access information on business development, financial assistance, taxes, laws & regulations, international trade, workplace issues, buying & selling goods, and forms. - Federal Trade Commission Business Center
Focusing on privacy, security, credit, finance, and marketing / advertising.
- (U.S. Small Business
- Wisconsin
- Business Entities / Starting A Business
- Forms
- Forms (WI Dept. of Financial Institutions)
Covers nonprofits, limited partnerships, limited liability partnerships, limited liability companies, cemetery associations, cooperative associations, common law trusts, service corporations, close corporations, etc. Specific topics include: articles of incorporation & dissolution, registered agent, articles of merger, articles of share exchange, articles of correction, unincorporated nonprofit association, certificate of domestic limited partnership including amendment & cancellation, foreign limited partnership including amendment & cancellation, articles of organization for limited liability companies, and limited liability partnerships, etc. - Small Business Forms (U.S. Small Business Administration)
- Forms (WI Dept. of Financial Institutions)
- General
- Business Creation Resources (WI Dept. of Financial Institutions)
- Starting a Business: Answering Your Legal Questions (State Bar of WI)
- Starting a business (WI Dept. of Revenue)
Registering with the Department of Revenue, sales and use tax, and other issues. - Starting a Business (U.S. Internal Revenue Service)
What a new business owner needs to know about federal taxes.
- Types of Business Entities, Wisconsin (WI Dept. of Financial
Provides brief summary of several types of entities. Includes information about forms, filing instructions, company names, documenting your entity & continuing requirements.
- Specific Entities
- Limited Liability Companies
- Wisconsin Limited Liability Company (WI Dept. of Financial Institutions)
Allows the organizer of a Wisconsin LLC to complete articles of organization online.
- Wisconsin Limited Liability Company (WI Dept. of Financial Institutions)
- Limited Liability Companies
- Forms
- Buying / Selling / Maintaining a Business
- Forms
- WI Small Business Development
Provides one-on-one counseling, workshops, and other services for small business owners and managers.
- Employees
For information about hiring & firing employees and various employment-related issues, visit our Employment Law page or select a specific Legal Topic.
- Forms
- Forms (WI Dept. of Financial Institutions)
Covers nonprofits, limited partnerships, limited liability partnerships, limited liability companies, cemetery associations, cooperative associations, common law trusts, service corporations, close corporations, etc. Specific topics include: articles of incorporation & dissolution, registered agent, articles of merger, articles of share exchange, articles of correction, unincorporated nonprofit association, certificate of domestic limited partnership including amendment & cancellation, foreign limited partnership including amendment & cancellation, articles of organization for limited liability companies, and limited liability partnerships, etc. - Business Forms from Wisconsin Counties (WI State Law Library)
- Small Business Forms (U.S. Small Business Administration)
- WI Consumer Act Registration Form (WI Dept. of Financial Institutions)
- Forms (WI Dept. of Financial Institutions)
- Red Flags Rule
- Fighting Fraud with the Red Flags Rule: A How-To Guide for Business (Federal Trade Commission)
Does the red flag rule apply to your business? Guides on protecting personal information. Articles tailored to business industries including health care, telecom companies, and utilities. Assistance in creating your own identity theft prevention program.
- Fighting Fraud with the Red Flags Rule: A How-To Guide for Business (Federal Trade Commission)
- Specific Business Issues
- Home-Based Businesses (American Bar Association)
- Securing Capital for a New Business (American Bar Association)
The Law (Additional statutes, regulations & opinions may apply to your specific situation.)
- WI Statutes: ch. 178-226 "Partnerships and Corporations..."
- WI Statute s. 227.114(1) "Small business" definition
Search for more statutes, regulations & opinions.
Related Topics
- Accounting
- Antitrust
- Contract Law
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources
- Corporations
- Legal Assistance
- Nonprofits
- Securities
Law Review Articles
- First LLC Case
78 Wis Lawyer 9 (Sept 2005)
Library Resources
- Legal Guide for Starting & Running a Small Business
- LLCs and LLPs: a Wisconsin handbook
- Methods of Practice: Wisconsin Practice Series
- Organizing a Wisconsin Business Corporation
- Specialized Legal Research
- Wisconsin Business Corporation Law
Journals & Legal Databases
- Business Law Today
- Business Source Premier
- Columbia Business Law Review
- DePaul Business & Commercial Law Journal
- HeinOnline
- Regional Business News