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Legal Assistance Organizations

  • Aging and Disability Resource Center
    (414) 289-6660
  • Bankruptcy Pro Se Help Desk
  • Catholic Charities Refugee and Immigration Services
    (414) 643-8570 Provides legal representation and resources for persons who need assistance with their legal status for living in the United States.
  • Centro Legal
    (414) 384-7900 Serves clients with family law and criminal misdemeanor defense cases
  • Clean Slate Milwaukee
    (414) 627-0067 Helps individuals to expunge eligible court criminal records. This clinic meets periodically. Check their website or Facebook page for upcoming events and related handouts.
  • Community Advocates
    (414) 449-4777 Serving people in need of urgent help, victims of domestic violence, people living with mental illness, and people dealing with substance abuse. Services include assistance with housing, utilities, health care, SSI and disability, homelessness and mental illness, and family violence.
  • Disability Rights Wisconsin
    (414) 773-4646 Disability Rights helps people across Wisconsin gain access to services and opportunity through its advocacy and legal expertise. Legal support addresses access, inclusion, dignity, most-integrated choices and equal rights issues.
  • Eviction Defense Project
    Meets in room 406 of the Milwaukee County Courthouse on Mondays and Wednesdays starting at 12:30PM. Limited Capacity (First Come - First Served)
  • Free Legal Answers Wisconsin
    Free to Wisconsin residents. Ask your legal question online and volunteer attorneys may answer your question through the website provided by the American Bar Association.
  • Hmong American Friendship Association Sexual Assault Victim Services
    (414) 322-9522 Crisis intervention, ongoing case management, mediation, and support groups, to Southeast Asian (including Hmong) survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.
  • IMPACT 2-1-1
    Dial 2-1-1 to learn about access to services and assistance in times of crisis.
  • International Institute of Wisconsin
    (414) 225-6220 Services to immigrants and refugees.
  • Kids Matter Casa
    Provide court-based advocacy for children who are under court jurisdiction due to of abuse or neglect.
  • Language Assistance Program, Clerk of Circuit Court
    (414) 278-5295 The Language Assistance Plan serves to help ensure access to court services for persons with limited English proficiency (LEP). It also covers interpreter services to deaf and hard of hearing persons.
  • Law for Learners
    Lawyers for Learners partners with colleges across Wisconsin to connect students and prospective students with free legal help. Virtual or in-person help may include criminal background and arrest records from civil and municipal court proceedings, such as retail theft citations, driver's license recovery, expungement, pardons, gender marker change and name change, and referrals for other legal issues (example: immigration, family law, housing). Fill out the form on their website to request an appointment.
  • Lawyer Referral and Information Service - Milwaukee Bar Association
    (414) 274-6768 Provides referrals to attorneys and community resources including government or nonprofit agencies when possible. Attorneys are available for a wide variety of legal issues. Attorneys will charge standard fees for services. The first half hour consultation with an attorney will cost $20 or less.
  • Legal Action of Wisconsin
    (855) 947-2529 Provides civil legal services for WI low-income persons. Assists people with legal issues involving family law, housing matters, public benefits, and consumer matters.
  • Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee
    (414) 727-5300 Provides representation in family law, consumer and bankruptcy matters, housing issues, public benefits, HIV issues, elder law, tax controversies, and civil rights.
  • Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee, Children's Court Office
    (414) 257-7159 Provides representation in family law, consumer and bankruptcy matters, housing issues, public benefits, HIV issues, elder law, tax controversies, and civil rights.
  • LIFT Wisconsin
    Provides a legal tune up tool to search public data and help users resolve civil legal issues, fill out forms, and resolve issues with background check, criminal court records, and eviction court records.
  • Lotus Legal Clinic
    Provides free legal counsel to survivors of gender-based violence and human trafficking regardless of income
  • Marquette Legal Initiative for Nonprofit Corporations (M-LINC)
    Free legal advice for qualifying Wisconsin nonprofits and organizations seeking tax exempt or nonprofit status.
  • Marquette Volunteer Legal Clinics
    Provides appointment-based services (some statewide) for nonprofit and small business help, adult guardianship, pardons, civil, and family issues. Some services may only be available in Milwaukee.
  • Metro Milwaukee Foreclosure Mediation Program
    (414) 939-8800 Provides clients with an opportunity to negotiate in a more equal bargaining process, preserve home equity for borrowers, cash flow for lenders, and prevent blight in communities.
  • Milwaukee County Law Library
  • Milwaukee County Victim/Witness Assistance Program
    (414) 278-4667 Provides assistance, support and notification services to crime victims and witnesses in exercising their rights throughout the prosecution of criminal and juvenile cases. Crisis response program available.
  • Milwaukee Justice Center
    Services include the family law forms clinic, family law appointments for the second half of the divorce process, and a legal advice and referral clinic which covers family law, landlord/tenant, probate, small claims, and large claims questions.
  • Name Change Project, Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund
    Pro bono legal name change services to low-income TGNCNB (transgender, gender non-conforming, non-binary) people.
  • Rental Housing Center
    Rent and utilities help for tenants, landlord/tenant dispute resolution, relocation assistance.
  • SeniorLAW
    Free legal assistance to Milwaukee County residents who are 60 and older
  • Sojourner Family Peace Center
    (414) 276-1911; (414) 933-2722 Domestic Violence Hotline Provides "courthouse advocacy and restraining order clinic, legal emergency assistance, children's advocacy" and a 24-hour domestic violence hotline.
  • State Bar of Wisconsin Lawyer Referral and Information Service
    Request a referral to a Wisconsin attorney by calling (800) 362-9082.
  • Transgender and Non-binary services
    Includes name change workshops for transgender, nonbinary, and gender non-conforming individuals and assistance with filing forms at the Courthouse.
  • United Migrant Opportunity Services
    (414) 389-6000 Adjustment of Status, U visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) petitions
  • University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Legal Clinic
    Assistance for currently enrolled University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee students, with some limitations.
  • Voces de la Frontera
    Worker's rights and immigration matters. Legal clinic is held Saturdays from 9-11am, at Voces de la Frontera 1027 S. 5th St. Milwaukee, WI 53204.
  • Wisconsin Foreclosure Mediation Network
  • Wisconsin Law Help
    A statewide directory of legal assistance organizations, law-related services, and clinics.
  • Wisconsin Legal Assistance For Military Personnel
    Legal help for service members, veterans, and their families.

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