Sports Law
- Associations, Organizations
- National
Sports Law Institute (Marquette University)
Links to sports law resources, law reviews & journals, research, news, academic & research organizations, consultants, sports organizations and other sports-related sites. - NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association)
- WIAA (Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association)
- National
Sports Law Institute (Marquette University)
- Gender Equity
- Title IX and Sex Discrimination (US Dept. of Education)
- Title IX and Sex Discrimination (US Dept. of Education)
- Recreation
- Outdoor Recreation (WI Dept. of Natural Resources)
Regulations, licensing, fees and other information about outdoor sports activities such as fishing, hiking, hunting, etc. - Private Forest Lands Open to Public Recreation (WI Dept. of Natural Resources)
- Outdoor Recreation (WI Dept. of Natural Resources)
The Law (Additional statutes, regulations & opinions may apply to your specific situation.)
- WI Statutes: s. 118.293 "Concussion and Head Injury"
- WI Statutes: s. 167.32 "Safety at Sporting Events"
- WI Statutes: ch. 444 "Regulation of Boxing"
- WI Statutes: ch. 448 sub. ch. 6 "Athletic Trainers Affiliated Credentialing Board"
- WI Statutes: s. 895.52 "Recreational Activities; Limitation of Property Owners' Liability
- WI Statutes: s. 895.525 "Participation in Recreational Activities"
- WI Statutes: s. 895.527 "Sport Shooting Range Activities"
- U.S. Code: 15 USC 32 "Telecasting of Professional Sports Contests"
- Uniform Laws
- Gender Equity
- Stadiums, Ball Parks, Facilities
- Wagering, Gambling
Search for more statutes, regulations & opinions.
Related Topics
Law Review Articles
- Concussion law and youth sports: a new law that protects the head
State Bar News July 18, 2012 - GO TEAM! Wisconsin's latest recreational immunity controversy
82 Wis Lawyer 6 (June 2009)
Library Resources
- Breaking Down Barriers: a Legal Guide to Title 9
- Law of Professional and Amateur Sports
- Recreational Immunity in Wisconsin
- Sports Law in a Nutshell
Journals & Legal Databases
- Entertainment Industry & Sports Lawyer
- HeinOnline
- Marquette Sports Law Review
- Seton Hall Journal of Sports & Entertainment Law
- Sports Lawyers Journal
- Texas Review of Entertainment & Sports Law