International Law
Agencies & Organizations
- European Union
- Organization of American States
- Union of International Associations
- United Nations
- U.S. Dept. of State
- World Intellectual Property Organization
- World Trade Organization
Conventions & Treaties
- Avalon Project: Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy
Provides the full text of international agreements from the 18th century to the present. - Hague Conventions (Hague Conference on Private International Law)
- Treaties (Law Library of Congress)
- Treaties in Force (U.S. Dept. of State)
Publication which details U.S. treaties and international agreements in force as of January 1 of each year. - United Nations Treaty
Collection ($)
Includes: Status of Multilateral Treaties Deposited With the Secretary-General; United Nations Treaty Series (texts plus cumulative index); Texts of Recently Deposited Multilateral Treaties; Photographs of Signature Ceremonies; etc. - Major Treaties
- Courts & Tribunals
- Canadian Court Dockets (Ted Tjaden's Legal Research & Writing)
- Judicial
Assistance (U.S.
Dept. of State)
Information for those living or traveling abroad. - World Factbook of Criminal Justice Systems (U.S. Dept. of Justice. Bureau of Justice Statistics)
- U.S. Constitution: Article III "The Judiciary"
- Judicial assistance and legal information by country (US Dept. of State)
- Constitutions, Laws, etc.
- A-Z List of Nations (Library of Congress)
Each Nation link provides Constitutional, Executive, Legislative and other law sources and guides for each country. - Global Legal Information (Library of Congress)
- A-Z List of Nations (Library of Congress)
- Profiles
- Country Profiles (BBC News)
- World Factbook (U.S. Central Intelligence Agency)
- Trade
- World Trade Organization
Documents Online
Access official documentation of the WTO including legal texts of agreements, decisions/declarations, schedules of commitments, and protocols.
- World Trade Organization
Documents Online
- Canada
- Canadian Legal Information Institute
- Justice Laws (Government of Canada)
Research Resources
- Articles & Tutorials
- Congressional Research
Service Reports
- Every CRS
- CRS Reports (Stanford University)
- CRS Reports (Univ. of Texas)
- Guides & Databases
- GlobalLex
International law research - Primer on the Civil Law System (Federal Judicial Center)
- Treaties: Legal Guides (Law Library of Congress)
- United Nations: International Law
- GlobalLex
Get There Fast!
- A-Z List of Nations (Library of Congress)
- Congressional Research Service Reports
- i.lex Database on the US Courts and International Law
- What Every Lawyer Should Know About International Law (Wisconsin Lawyer, Dec. 2005)