Medicare / Medicaid
- Agencies / Organizations
- Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
- Kaiser Family Foundation
Research & analysis of health care coverage & access for low-income populations, current Medicare policy issues, key trends, etc.
- Directories
- CMS Contact Information Directory (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services)
- Medigap
Helpline (WI Board on Aging & Long Term Care)
Help with questions about Medicare Supplements, Long Term Care Insurance and other health care plans available to Medicare beneficiaries.
- Medicaid
- Directories
- WI Medicaid Contacts (WI Dept. of Health Services)
- WI Medicaid Contacts (WI Dept. of Health Services)
- Divestment of Assets
- Divestment and Medicaid for the Elderly, Blind or Disabled (WI Dept. of Health Services)
- One step ahead: resource planning for people with disabilities who rely on Supplemental Security Income and medical assistance (Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities)
- WI Statutes: s. 49.453 - 49.454 Divest of Assets; Treatment of Trust Amounts
- WI Admin. Code: DHS 103.063 - 103.065 "Divestment..."
- U.S. Code: 42 USC 1396p(c) "... Transfers of Assets"
- Medicaid program overview (WI Legislative Council)
- Medicaid (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services)
Includes enrollment & coverage, fraud & abuse, prescription drugs, etc. - Medicaid Links (Medline Plus)
- Medicaid Resource
Book (Kaiser Family Foundation)
Includes who & what Medicaid covers, how it is financed, and how it is administered. Provides index to Medicaid statute & regulations, legislative history, glossary, etc.
- Spousal Impoverishment
- Wisconsin
Medicaid (WI Dept. of Health Services)
Medicaid information for recipients and providers including eligibility requirements and applications.
- Directories
- Medicare
- Directories
- Physician Comparison Directory (
- Medicare Helpful Contacts (
- Complaints / Fraud
- Medicare Fraud (
- Medicare: The Official U.S.
Government Site for People with Medicare
- Medicare Links (Medline Plus)
- Wisconsin Guide to Health Insurance for People with Medicare(WI Office of the Commissioner of Insurance)
- Directories
The Law (Additional statutes, regulations & opinions may apply to your specific situation.)
- WI Statutes: ch. 49 "Public Assistance"
- WI Statutes: s. 49.496(3)(b) "Recovery of Correct Medical Assistance Payments"
- WI Statutes: ch. 632, sub. ch. 6 "Disability Insurance"
- WI Admin. Code: DHS 101 - 109 "Medical Assistance"
- Federal
Search for more statutes, regulations & opinions.
Related Topics
Law Review Articles
- New World for Medical Assistance Planning
79 Wis Lawyer 5 (May 2006)
Library Resources
- Elder Law
- Medicaid and Elder Law: Representing Clients in a New Legal Landscape
- Medicare and Medicaid Claims and Procedures
- Nuts and Bolts of Medicaid Planning
- Practical Guide to Medicare Appeals
- SeniorCare