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Judicial Council Index

Garnishment Committee    Folder: 1 of 4

1. Garnishment prepared by Legal Action of Wisconsin, Inc. issued February 1985

2. Letter of September 5, 1985, to Rep. John D. Medinger from Thomas L. Rhorer regarding Wisconsin’s garnishment statutes. Accompanied by A.B. 411 and 15 U.S.C. s 1671

3. NCLC Reports, Consumer Bankruptcy and Foreclosures Edition Vol. 4 (March/April 1986)

4. Letter of August 20, 1986, to James L. Fullin, Jr. from Donald S. Rush

5. Publications Draft B, Guide to Small Claims Court dated 11/14/86

6. Letter of November 18, 1986, to James L. Fullin, Jr. from Steven A. Taterka regarding revision of garnishment statutes. Accompanied by letter of November 18, 1986, to James L. Fullin from John S. Greene regarding proposed garnishment procedures with enclosed Dane County Court forms

7. Corporate and Business Law Committee, Overview/Miscellaneous Subcommittee, Section 14.06 Committee Draft no. 2 dated December 4, 1986. Accompanied by Section 14.07 Subcommittee Draft No. 2 dated November 20, 1986

8. Letter of December 9, 1986, to James L. Fullin, Jr. from Donald S. Rush

9. Letter of December 11, 1986, to Janet Rubenzer Anderl from C. G. Myrman regarding garnishee fees. Accompanied by Garnishment prepared by Legal Action of Wisconsin, Inc.

10. Proposed Non-Wage Garnishment System for Minnesota

11. Summary of proceedings of December 19, 1986, meeting of the Garnishment Committee

12. Garnishments and Attachments in Minnesota After July 1986 by Roger A. Nurnberger

13. Letter of January 8, 1987, to James Fullin from J. Denis Moran with enclosed copy of a December 11, 1986, letter to Janet Rubenzer Anderl from C. G. Myrman regarding garnishee fees

14. Letter of January 23, 1987, to Garnishment Committee from Jim Fullin. Accompanied by Letter of January 23, 1987, to Individual Members of Bankruptcy, Insolvency, and Creditors’ Rights Section requesting copy of exemption report from R. Arthur Ludwig; Letter of January 16, 1987, to Individual Members… from R Arthur Ludwig; publication of the State Bar of Wisconsin Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Creditor’s Rights Section, Sub-Committee Appointed for Purposes of   Reviewing the Present Wisconsin Statutes to Consider the Amendments Thereof; and s. 815.18 Wis. Stats. & 425.106 Wis. Stats.

15. Summary of proceedings of January 30, 1987, meeting of the Garnishment Committee

16. Letter of February 4, 1987, to James L. Fullin, Jr. from John M. Heuer with a photocopy of North Milwaukee State Bank v. Odell C. White Case no. 705-766

17. State of Wisconsin, Exemption Notice and Garnishee Answer forms

18. Summary of Proposed Non-Wage Garnishment Procedures (Financial Institutions)

19. State of Wisconsin, Claim of Exemption forms & Objection to Claim of Exemption and Request for Hearing forms

20. Garnishment Draft A, Chapter 812 Garnishment Subchapter I Definitions and General Provisions dated February 13, 1987

21. Letter of February 19, 1987, to Peter G. Pappas from Robert W. Burg regarding Wisconsin/Minnesota Garnishment

22. Summary of proceedings of February 20, 1987, meeting of the Garnishment Committee

23. Letter of February 24, 1987, to Thomas Boykoff from Robert S. Lee with s. 571.41 Minnesota Stats.

24. Garnishment Draft B dated 3/13/87

25. Letter of March 10, 1987, to James Fullin from Walter R. Stewart regarding revisions to Wisconsin Garnishment Law

26. Letter of March 18, 1987, to Peter G. Pappas from Robert W. Burg regarding Wisconsin garnishment revisions

27. Summary of proceedings of March 20, 1987, meeting of the Garnishment Committee

28. Summary of proceedings of April 24, 1987, meeting of the Garnishment Committee

29. Letter of August 27, 1987, to Jim Fullin from Susan K. Linck regarding depository garnishment

30. Garnishment Draft C dated 5/20/87

31. Summary of proceedings of May 29, 1987, meeting of the Garnishment Committee

Subject:   Garnishment Committee       Folder: 2 of 4

1. Letter of June 1, 1987, to James L. Fullin, Jr. from John S. Greene with enclosed copy of Senate Amendment to 1987 Senate Bill 100, LRBb0211/3

2. Summary of proceedings of June 26, 1987, meeting of the Garnishment Committee.   Accompanied by Depository Garnishment dated 7/10/87

3. Summary of proceedings of July 17, 1987, meeting of the Garnishment Committee.   Accompanied by:   Depository Garnishment dated 8/21/87; Letter of August 26, 1987, to Jim Fullin from Janet A. Jenkins; Notice of August 21, 1987, to Garnishment Committee from Jim Fullin; Letter of July 20, 1987, to Garnishment Committee from Jim Fullin; Letter of July 28, 1987, to James Fullin Jr. from Janet Rubenzer Anderl

4. Letter of August 27, 1987, to Jim Fullin from Susan K. Linck regarding depository garnishment

5. Summary of proceedings of August 28, 1987, meeting of the Garnishment Committee

6. Depository Garnishment dated 9/11/87

7. Summary of proceedings of September 18, 1987, meeting of the Garnishment Committee

8. Summary of proceedings of October 16, 1987, meeting of the Garnishment Committee

9. Garnishment Draft D, dated November 12, 1987

10. Summary of proceedings of November 19, 1987, meeting of the Garnishment Committee

11. Summary of proceedings of December 18, 1987, meeting of the Garnishment Committee. Accompanied by Garnishment Draft E dated 12/11/87

12. Membership list of the Garnishment Committee, 1987

13. Handwritten note to Jim from John Forde.  Accompanied by: Letter of January 25, 1988, to David Balcer from James Fullin; Letter of February 13, 1988, to Steve Taterka from Eric Schulenburg

14. Summary of proceedings of January 29, 1988, meeting of the Garnishment Committee

15. Membership list of the Garnishment Committee, February 1988

16. Letters of February 3, 1988, to John M. Heuer, Bernard O. Westler, and Ronald Roder from Eric Schulenburg

17. Summary of proceedings of February 19, 1988, meeting of the Garnishment Committee

18. Garnishment Draft F dated 3/10/88

19. Garnishment Draft G dated 4/8/88

20. Summary of proceedings of April 15, 1988, meeting of the Garnishment Committee

21. Garnishment Draft H dated 6/10/88

22. Letter of June 15, 1988, to James Fullin from James P. Buckley regarding concerns about non-wage garnishment draft

23. Letter of July 12, 1988, to James L. Fullin, Jr. from Eric Schulenburg. Accompanied by summary of proceedings of May 20, 1988, meeting of the Garnishment Committee

24. Garnishment Action Notice, State Bureau of Financial Operations

25. Wage Deduction Notice, State Bureau of Financial Operations. Accompanied by: Wage Assignment Action Notice, State Bureau of Financial Operations; Statement of Personal Exemptions, Department of Administration; and Letter of August 10, 1988, to Stephanie from La Vauglen Gold regarding State Employees with Credit Union Deductions and Legal Wage Actions

26. Letter of August 11, 1988, to James L. Fullin, Jr. from John V. Kitzke regarding Garnishment Draft H

27. Drafter’s Note from the Legislative Reference Bureau, LRB-6158/P1dn

28. Notice of August 19, 1988, to Garnishment Committee from Jim Fullin. Accompanied by letter of August 19, 1988, to Garnishment Committee from Jim Fullin regarding wage garnishment issues

29. Summary of proceedings of August 26, 1988, meeting of the Garnishment Committee

30. Letter of August 30, 1988, to James L. Fullin, Jr. from Thomas L. Rhorer regarding wage garnishment

31. Judicial Council Depository Garnishment Bill (LRB-5) dated 10/13/88

32. Wage Garnishment Outline dated 11/4/88

33. Letter of November 16, 1988, to James L. Fullin, Jr. from Thomas l. Rhorer

34. Letter of December 15, 1988, to James Fullin from Walter R. Stewart regarding Wage Garnishment Proposal

Subject:   Garnishment Committee       Folder:   3 of 4

1. Attendance sheets Garnishment Committee. Accompanied by membership lists of June 1989, July 1987, 1987, November 1988, May 1988, and January 1987

2. LRB-0005/P2 an Act to repeal 812.01 (2a)…

3. Senate Substitute Amendment to 1989 Senate Bill 259, LRBs0434/1

4. Senate Substitute Amendment 2 to 1989 Senate Bill 259, LRBs0434/3 dated March 1, 1990

5. Senate Amendment 1 to Senate Substitute Amendment 2 to 1989 Senate Bill 259, LRBa3415/1 dated March 1, 1990

6. Senate Amendment 1, to 1989 Senate Bill 259, LRBa1560/1 dated March 6, 1990

7. Senate Amendment 2, to Senate Substitute Amendment 2 to 1989 Senate Bill 259, LRBa3563/1 dated March 6, 1990

8. Senate Amendment 3 to Senate Substitute Amendment 2 to 1989 Senate Bill 259, LRBa3571/1 dated March 6, 1990

9. Letter of March 28, 1989, to Roger Nurnberger, et. al from Thomas E. Hoffman

10. Letter of April 28, 1989, to Garnishment Committee from Jim Fullin regarding adoption of depository garnishment draft

11. Background for Exemption Proposal, to Garnishment Subcommittee from Tom Rhorer and John Greene dated May 11, 1989

12. Letter of May 12, 1989, to Garnishment Committee from Jim Fullin regarding Subcommittee Report

13. Letter of May 15, 1989, to James L. Fullin, Jr. from Eric Schulenburg

14. Background for Wage Garnishment Exemption Proposal, to Garnishment Committee from Tom Rhorer and John Greene dated May 18, 1989

15. Letter of June 23, 1989, to Garnishment Committee from Eric Schulenburg regarding July 21, meeting.   Accompanied by:   Summary of proceedings of May 19, 1989, meeting of the Garnishment Committee; Letter of May 31, 1989, to James Fullin from William J. Raftery; Department of Administration, State Bureau of Financial Operations Comments on Wage Garnishment Proposals;   and Wage Garnishment Draft A dated 6/9/89

16. Notice of July 14, 1989, to Garnishment Committee from Eric Schulenburg

17. Contempt Fee Draft A dated 7/14/89

18. Wage Garnishment Draft B dated 7/14/89

19. Letter of July 19, 1989, to James L. Fullin, Jr. from James G. Pouros regarding Bankruptcy, Insolvency, and Creditor’s Rights Section Subcommittee on Revision of Wisconsin Exemptions.   Accompanied by LRB-0004/3, an Act to amend 20.921 (1)

20. Judicial Council Earnings Garnishment Proposal dated July 21, 1989

21. Judicial Council Garnishment Committee membership list dated August 1989

22. Legal notes by Robert W. Kohn dated August 1989

23. Letter of August 15, 1989, to John Metcalf from Calvin L. Ganong regarding proposed changes in garnishment laws

24. Judicial Council Earnings Garnishment Proposal dated August 29, 1989

25. Earnings Garnishment Draft C dated 9/8/89

26. Summary of proceedings of September 15, 1989, meeting of the Garnishment Committee.   Accompanied by letter of October 6, 1989, to Garnishment Committee from Jim Fullin regarding Public Hearing on Bank Garnishment Bill

27. “Deeper in Debt” Garnishment no. 1 script Thursday, Sept. 28, 1989, 10 p.m.

28. “Deeper in Debt” Garnishment no. 2 script Friday, Sept. 29, 1989, 10 p.m.

29. Letter of October 2, 1989, to John Green, et. al from Jim Fullin

30. Earnings Garnishment Draft D dated 10/6/89

31. Summary of proceedings of October 13, 1989, meeting of the Garnishment Committee

32. Earnings Garnishment Draft D dated 11/7/89

33. Summary of proceedings of November 10, 1989, meeting of the Garnishment Committee

34. Earnings Garnishment Draft F dated 12/11/89

35. Summary of proceedings of December 14, 1989, meeting of the Garnishment Committee.   Accompanied by:   Earnings Garnishment Draft F Public Employe Amendment dated 12/12/89; Judicial Council Earnings Garnishment Proposal dated 1/23/90; Earnings Garnishment Draft D 10/6/89

36. Judicial Council Earnings Garnishment Proposal.   Accompanied by LRB-0042/P2

37. Fiscal estimate 1991 A.B. 271 Garnishment of Earnings

38. Filing a Garnishment effective 10/1/91

39. Testimony of James L. Fullin, Jr. on 1991 S. B. 336

40. 1993 Assembly Bill 42, LRB-1241/2 dated February 2, 1993

41. Letter of February 5, 1993, to James Fullin from Allan J. Deehr regarding Garnishment Legislation (LRB-0912/2 sec. 812.44 (1) (a))

42. Memorandum of February 12, 1993, from Michael Lehman with attached copy of LRB-1241/2, an Act to repeal 812.18 (1) (b)…

43. Inter-office correspondence of March 5, 1993, to Jon Lundgren from Bob Kaplan regarding analysis of proposed garnishment legislation

44. Letter of March 17, 1993, to James L. Fullin, Jr. from John C. Metcalf

45. Letter of March 24, 1993, to James L. Fullin, Jr. from Michael Lehman

46. Letter of April 12, 1993, to Deanna M. Lilen and Jon C. Lundgren from John C. Metcalf

47. List of names of the Garnishment Discussion Group April 28, 1993

48. Fiscal estimate LRB-0912/5 Relating to the garnishment of earnings.   Accompanied by fiscal estimate LRB-3764/2

49. Fiscal estimate LRB-0912/5 Relating to the garnishment of earnings

50. Fiscal estimate LRB-3764/2 Relating to the garnishment of earnings

51. Letter of July 29, 1993, to Jeannie of Sen. Huelsman’s office from Jim Fullin regarding Earnings Garnishment Bill, Senate Bill 336

52. Notice of July 30, 1993, to Garnishment Committee from Jim Fullin

53. Letter of August 12, 1993, to Senator Joanne Huelsman from Doug Haselow regarding Senate Bill 336

54. Fiscal estimate S.B. 336 Garnishment of Earnings

55. Memorandum of October 4, 1993, to All Legislators from Rep. Bob Welch regarding Co-sponsoring of garnishment legislation LRB 2298/1

56. 1993 Assembly Bill 858 LRB-2298/1 dated October 18, 1993

Subject:   Garnishment Committee       Folder: 4 of 4

1. Form Summary, Small Claims Garnishment Summons and Complaint for Non-earnings, SC-503

2. Letter of February 7, 1994, to Peter C. Blain from James D. Sweet regarding the Garnishment Sub-Committee of the Bankruptcy Section Legislative Committee

3. Letter of February 7, 1994, to James L. Fullin from James D. Sweet regarding Bankruptcy, Insolvency and Creditors Rights Section Legislative Sub-Committee on the New Garnishment Law

4. 1994 Clerks of Circuit Court Institute, Agenda

5. Form Summary, Petition for waiver of Fees/Costs, Affidavit of Indigency and Order, CV-410

6. Fax to Irvin B. Charne, et. al from Jane F. Zimmerman

7. Letter of February 18, 1994, to Irvin G. Charne, et. al from Jane F. Zimmerman regarding The Garnishment Sub-Committee of the Bankruptcy Section Legislative Committee

8. A Policy Statement on Non-CLE Publications

9. Wisconsin Lawyer Newsbrief submission, New Garnishment Law

10. Letter of March 4, 1994, to Judy Ness and Kassie Murphy from Jim Fullin regarding update to Guide to Small Claims Court. Accompanied by letter of March 3, 1994, to Jim Fullin from Judy Ness with attached draft Guide to Small Claims Court dated April 1994

11. Letter of March 4, 1994, to Irvin B. Charne, et. al from Jane F. Zimmerman regarding The Garnishment Sub-Committee of the Bankruptcy Section Legislative Committee

12. Letter of March 7, 1994, to James L. Fullin, Jr. from William J. Rameker

13. p. 1 of Form Summary of Earnings Garnishment, CV-422

14. Letter of March 14, 1994, to James Peterson from Jane F. Zimmerman regarding Garnishment Sub-Committee

15. Letter of March 14, 1994, to Irvin B. Charne from Jane F. Zimmerman regarding The Garnishment Sub-Committee of the Bankruptcy Section Legislative Committee

16. Letter of March 29, 1994, to James L. Fullin from Jim Peterson

17. Letter of March 31, 1994, to Clerks of Circuit Courts 4 & 6 DCA’s from Bernie Flatoff regarding April Joint District 4 & 6 meeting

18. Fax of April 1, 1994, to Jim Fullin from Judge Robert A. Haase regarding CV-426 line 18 instructions

19. Letter of April 1, 1994, to Al, Bob, Gary & Judy from Jim Fullin regarding CV-426 line 18 instructions

20. Form Summary of Garnishment Exemption Worksheet, CV-426

21. Letter of April 12, 1994, to Hon. Daniel Anderson from Dave Schultz

22. Letter of May 2, 1994, to James L. Fullin, Jr. from Jeffrey T. Mohr regarding new Wisconsin law on garnishment of earnings

23. Directory of the Officers and Members, Members of the Senate

24. Subchapter II Earnings Garnishment

25. Wisconsin Model Court Recordkeeping Manual, Section Title:   Small Claims Procedures

26. Earnings Garnishment form

27. Earnings Garnishment Debtor’s Answer form

28. Earnings Garnishment form

29. Petition for Waiver of Fees/Costs Affidavit of Indigency and Order forms

30. Small Claims Garnishee Summons and Complaint forms

31. Wisconsin Model Court Recordkeeping Manual, Section Title:   Civil procedures

32. Wisconsin Model Court Recordkeeping Manual, Section Title:   Civil Procedures

33. Dane County Small Claim Division Suit Data Summary form

34. Dane County Circuit Court Garnishee Summons form

35. Dane County Circuit Court Garnishee Complaint form

36. State of Connecticut Superior Court, Exemption and Modification Claim Form Wage Execution form

37. State of Connecticut Superior Court, Wage Execution Proceedings Application, Order, Execution form

38. Insert in “Effect of Court-Ordered Assignments for Support”

39. Handwritten notes

40. Handwritten list of names and phone numbers

41. 21 Questions Employers Ask About Earnings Garnishment

42. 21 Questions Employers Ask About Earnings Garnishment copyright 1994

43. Chapter 812 Garnishment

44. Civil Actions

45. Appraisal of Minnesota Garnishment Statute Chapter 571

46. s. 571 Wis. Stats.

Subject:   Garnishment   1991 Senate Bill 334                  Folder:   1 of 1  

1. Senate Substitute Amendment to 1991 Senate Bill 334, LRBs0634/1

2. Senate Amendment to 1991 Senate Bill 334, LRBa1678/1

3. 1991 Senate Bill 334, LRB-4548/1

4. 1991 inspection submittal to Judicial Council relating to LRB 4548/1

5. An Act to repeal 425.110…, LRB-0912/2

6. Letter of September 26, 1991, to Garnishment Committee from Jim Fullin regarding final review and approval to the Earnings Garnishment Bill LRB-0042/1. Accompanied by LRB-0042/1

7. Fiscal estimate LRB 0042/1 Garnishment of Wages

8. Fiscal estimate LRB 0042/1 Revising the procedure for garnishment of the earnings of a judgment debtor

9. 1991 Senate Bill 334, LRB-4548/1 dated October 22, 1991

10. 1991 Assembly Bill 643, LRB-0042/1 dated October 22, 1991

11. Fiscal estimate S.B. 334 Revising the procedure for garnishment of the earnings of a judgment debtor

12. Drafter’s Note from the Legislative Reference Bureau LRB-0912/ldn

13. Fiscal estimate S.B. 334 Garnishment of earnings

14. Fiscal estimate S.B. 334 Garnishment of earnings

15. Memorandum of November 5, 1991, to Ed Marion & Bill McCoshen from Nicholas Hurtgen regarding S.B. 334

16. Senate Bill 334, Testimony of Assistant Attorney General John Greene before the Senate Judiciary Committee November 5, 1991

17. Testimony of James L. Fullin, Jr. on 1991 Senate Bill 334

18. Revision to Senate Bill 334

19. An Act to repeal 425.110… LRB-0912/2

20. Fiscal estimate LRB 0912 Revising the procedure for the garnishment of the earnings of a judgment debtor

21. Fiscal estimate LRB 912/2 Garnishment of earnings

22. Letter of April 8, 1993, to Legislative Sponsors of Judicial Council Garnishment Bill Judicial Council Garnishment Committee from Jim Fullin. Accompanied by LRB 0912/1

23. Packet of materials concerning LRB 912/4 sent to Rep. Lehman from Bob Ziegelbauer

24. List of Co-Sponsors to LRB 912/4 – regarding earnings garnishment

Subject:   Garnishment.   Assembly Bill 570.   1993 Wis. Act 80 Folder:   1 of 1  

1. LRB-0912/3 An Act to repeal 812.01 (5) to (7)…

2. Assembly Amendment to 1993 Assembly Bill 570, LRBa1464/1

3. Assembly Amendment to 1993 Assembly Bill 570, LRBa1031/1

4. Assembly Amendment to 1993 Assembly Bill 570, LRBa0847/1

5. Letter of May 13, 1993, to Persons Interested in Wage Garnishment Legislation from Jim Fullin regarding background and analysis of LRB-912/3.   Accompanied by LRB-912/3

6. 1993 A.B. 570, LRB-3764/2 dated June 15, 1993

7. Letter of June 29, 1993, to Assembly Judiciary Committee from John Metcalf regarding support for Assembly Bill 570 – earnings garnishment reform

8. Assembly Amendment 2 to 1993 Assembly Bill 570, LRBa0864/2 dated September 14, 1993

9. Letter of October 4, 1993, to Mickey Beil from James L. Fullin regarding LRB-1031/1, an amendment to A.B. 570

10. Assembly Amendment 3 to 1993 Assembly Bill 570, LRBa1031/1 dated October 13, 1993

11. Assembly Amendment 4 to 1993 Assembly Bill 570, LRBa1464/1 dated October 13, 1993

12. Letter of October 28, 1993, to James L. Fullin, Jr. from Sandy Drew regarding Assembly Bill 570

13. 1993 Wisconsin Act 80

14. Letter of March 3, 1994, to James L. Fullin from George W. Love regarding Act 80

15. Fax of April 12, 1994 to Irvin B. Charne, et. al from Jane F. Zimmerman regarding Introduction and Acknowledgment

16. Letter of July 12, 1994, to James L. Fullin from James D. Sweet regarding garnishment law project. Accompanied by, 21 Questions Employers Ask about Earnings Garnishment and 1993 Wisconsin Act 80

17. Letter of August 9, 1994, to Chief Judge Moeser from Judy Coleman Nispel regarding 1993 WI Act 80, Garnishment Actions

18. Assembly Amendment ____ to Assembly bill 570

19. Wisconsin Lawyer Newsbrief submission, New Garnishment Law

20. Garnishee Pamphlet Draft B, March 10, 1994

20.1 Letter of May 5, 1995, to James Fullin, Jr. from Allan J. Deehr regarding 1993 Wisconsin Act 80

21. 21 Questions Employers Ask about Earnings Garnishment

Subject:   Garnishment.   Assembly Bill 575     Folder: 1 of 1 

1. Assembly Amendment to 1989 Assembly Bill 575, LRBa1355/1

2. Assembly Substitute Amendment to 1989 Assembly Bill 575, LRBs0309/2

3. 1989 Assembly Bill 575, LRB-0005/2 dated October 3, 1989

4. Fiscal estimate LRB-0005/2 AB 575

5. Fiscal estimate AB 575

6. Statement of October 17, 1989, to Chairman Rutkowski and Members of the Committee from John E. Knight regarding 1989 A.B. 575

7. Statement prepared for delivery to the Judiciary Committee of the Assembly regarding 1989 A.B. 575

8. Testimony of James L. Fullin, Jr. on 1989 A.B. 575 given October 18, 1989

9. Letter of October 20, 1989, to Assemblyman James Rutkowski from Ronald K. Puetz regarding A.B. 575

10. Letter of October 26, 1989, to Rep. James Rutkowski from Douglas Q. Johnson regarding A.B. 575 and Brown v. Barczak

11. Assembly Substitute Amendment 1 to 1989 Assembly Bill 575, LRBs0306/1 dated October 31, 1989

12. Letter of November 8, 1989, to James Fullin from John S. Greene regarding Brown v. Barczak. Accompanied by stipulated modifications of the injunction

13. Letter of February 13, 1990, to the Garnishment Committee from Jim Fullin regarding A.B. 575 opposition by the banking and thrift lobby. Accompanied by testimony by James Fullin on A.B. 575

14. Letter of February 16, 1990, to Wisconsin State Senators and Representatives from Chief Judge Michael J. Barron regarding A.B. 575-Depository garnishments

15. Letter of February 16, 1990, to Rep. Barbara Notestein from Michael J. Barron regarding A.B. 575-Depository garnishment

16. Letter of February 21, 1990, to James Fullin from John M. Heuer regarding A.B. 575

17. Letter of February 26, 1990, to Members of Wisconsin Assembly from Jim Fullin regarding A.B. 575, Depository garnishment (Calendar of March 1)

18. Letter of February 27, 1990, to Members of Assembly from Jim Fullin regarding A.B. 575 Depository garnishment (Calendar of March 1)

19. Assembly Substitute Amendment 2, to 1989 Assembly Bill 575, LRBs0309/2 dated March 1, 1990

20. Office memo of 3/6 to Jim Fullin from Marc Weinberger regarding amendment to A.B. 575. Accompanied by memorandum of March 1, 1990, to Rep. Rutkowski from Margaret M. Derus regarding A.B. 575

21. A.B. 575-Depository garnishment comparing Judiciary Committee Sub. 1 and Deininger-Wineke Sub. 2  A Amendment

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