- Domestic Abuse & Stalking (WI Legislative Reference Bureau, 2002)
- Stalking (US Dept. of Justice)
Links to various stalking-related publications. - Stalking (WI Dept. of Justice)
- Stalking & Harassment Laws (WI Coalition Against Sexual Assault)
- Stalking Resource
Center (National Center for Victims of Crime)
Help for victims including questions & answers, stalking incident & behavior logs, and information about cyberstalking.
The Law (Additional statutes, regulations & opinions may apply to your specific situation.)
- WI Statutes: s. 940.32 "Stalking"
- WI Statutes: s. 947.013 "Harassment" (Criminal)
- U.S. Code: 18 USC 875 "Interstate Communications"
- U.S. Code: 18 USC 2261a "Interstate Stalking"
Search for more statutes, regulations & opinions.
Related Topics
Law Review Articles
- Anti-stalking Laws: Do They Adequately Protect Stalking Victims?
Harvard Women's L Jnl 21 (Spr 1998) - Cyberstalking, a New Crime
Missouri L Rev 72.1 (Wntr 2007) - Difficulties in Prosecuting Stalking Cases
Criminal L Bull 45.1 (Jan-Feb 2009) - Stalking: When Does Obsession Become a Crime?
Amer Jnl of Criminal Law 20.2 (Wntr 1993)
Library Resources
- Administrando su Divorcio
- Administrando su Divorcio: un Manual Para Mujeres Agredidas
- Domestic Abuse & Stalking
- Domestic Abuse & Stalking
- Family Violence Resources
- Managing Your Divorce: a Guide for Battered Women
- Myers on evidence of interpersonal violence
- Navigating Custody & Visitation Evaluations in Cases with Domestic Violence
- Stalking Resources
- Substantive Criminal Law