Jury Trials
Current Wisconsin jury instructions can be found on our website:
- Wisconsin Jury Instructions main page
- Children's (Juvenile) Jury Instructions
- Civil Jury Instructions
- Criminal Jury Instructions
Jury Duty
- Wisconsin
- Directories
- Juries in Wisconsin: An Overview (WI Legislative Reference Bureau)
- Juror Qualification Questionnaire (WI
Court System)
Online questionnaire for those called to jury duty. - Jurors (WI Court System)
- Jury Duty Forms & Guides from Wisconsin Counties (WI State Law Library)
- Jury Instructions
- WI Jury Handbook (WI Court System)
- General Information
- Center for Jury Studies
Overview, FAQs, guides and publications for jury-related topics such as jury management, innovations, decision-making, grand juries, jury selection and managing notorious trials - Principles for Juries and Jury Trials (American Bar Association)
- Center for Jury Studies
The Law (Additional statutes, regulations & opinions may apply to your specific situation.)
- WI Statutes: ch. 756 "Juries"
- WI Statutes: s. 906.06 "Competency of Juror as Witness"
- Opinions
- On Point Case Summaries (2010-) (WI State Public Defender)
- U.S. Code: 28 USC 1861-1878 "Juries, Trial by Jury"
Search for more statutes, regulations & opinions.
Jury Instructions
- Pattern Civil Federal Jury Instructions: 7th Circuit
- Pattern Criminal Federal Jury Instructions: 7th Circuit
- Wisconsin Jury Instructions
Grand Juries
- Handbook
for Federal Grand Jurors (Administrative Office of the U.S.
Learn about grand jury selection and procedure. Includes glossary and the origin & history of the grand jury.
The Law (Additional statutes, regulations & opinions may apply to your specific situation.)
Search for more statutes, regulations & opinions.
Related Topics
- Children's Jury Instructions
- Civil Jury Instructions
- Civil Law & Procedure
- Court System
- Criminal Jury Instructions
- Criminal Law & Procedure
- Legal Assistance
- Wisconsin Jury Instructions