- Alcohol Beverage Laws - Underage Alcohol Questions (WI Dept. of Revenue)
Provides answers to questions regarding serving alcohol to underage persons accompanied by their parents, making fake IDs, "dram shop" law, etc. - Alcohol beverages three-tier laws (WI Legislative Council)
- Alcohol Sales Policy (WI Dept. of Revenue)
- Direct shipment of alcohol - State laws (Nat'l Conference of State Legislatures)
- Intoxicating liquors FAQ (League of Wisconsin Municipalities)
- Minimum Drinking Age in Wisconsin (WI Legislative Reference Bureau)
- WI Dept. of Revenue - Alcoholic Beverages
Information about licenses, licensee responsibility, beer & liquor tax, and underage drinking. - Wisconsin Alcohol Beverage and Tobacco Laws for Retailers (WI Dept. of Revenue)
The Law (Additional statutes, regulations & opinions may apply to your specific situation.)
- WI Statutes: ch. 51 "State Alcohol, Drug Abuse, Developmental Disabilities and Mental Health Act"
- WI Statutes: ch. 125 "Alcoholic Beverages"
- WI Statutes: ch. 139 sub. ch. 1 "Beverage Taxes"
- WI Statutes: s. 885.235 "Chemical Tests for Intoxication"
- WI Opinions
- Intoxicating Liquors Legal Captions (League of Wisconsin Municipalities)
Captions of legal opinions since 1997 with notes and comments written by League staff attorneys
- Intoxicating Liquors Legal Captions (League of Wisconsin Municipalities)
Search for more statutes, regulations & opinions.
Federal / States
- Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
- ATF Online (U. S. Dept. of Justice, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives)
- Drug & Alcohol Courts (WI State Law Library)
Provides links to resources and directories of drug & alcohol courts.
The Law (Additional statutes, regulations & opinions may apply to your specific situation.)
- U.S. Constitution: 18th Amendment
- U.S. Constitution: 21st Amendment
- CFR: 27 CFR "Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms"
Search for more statutes, regulations & opinions.
Related Topics
Law Review Articles
- 90 Proof: Liquor Licensing in Wisconsin
82 Wis Lawyer 5 (May 2009) - Fetal Protection in Wisconsin's Revised Child Abuse Law
Jnl of Law; Medicine & Ethics 27:4 (Winter 1999) - Social Host Liability for Underage Drinking
81 Wis Lawyer 6 (June 2008) - State Action Doctrine Protects Wisconsin Tavern Owners' Agreement to Cut Back on Drink Specials
Corporate Counsel 12.7 (July 2005) pA3(2) - Treating All Grapes Equally: Interstate Alcohol Shipping After Granholm
83 Wis Lawyer 3 (Mar 2010) - Wisconsin Court Finds Mother Liable for Teen's Fatal Drinking Binge
Trial 40.4 (April 2004) p89(2)
Library Resources
- Alcohol beverages regulation in Wisconsin
- Traffic Law & Practice in Wisconsin
- Wisconsin prosecutors OWI manual