Public Benefits
- Agencies & Organizations
- U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services
- WI Dept. of Health Services
- 2-1-1 Wisconsin
Phone services links callers to information about local resources, from both government and nonprofit organizations.
- Complaints
- Report Public Assistance Fraud (WI Dept. of Health Services)
- Access - Wisconsin
Way for people in Wisconsin to find out if they are eligible for health and nutrition programs like FoodShare, BadgerCare, Medicaid, SeniorCare, Medicare Part D, WIC or The Emergency Food Assistance Program. - BenefitsCheckUp (National Council on the Aging)
Questionnaire to help adults 55+ find"government programs that can help them pay for prescription drugs, health care, utilities, and other needs." -
Locate state and federal benefits programs- Benefits Questionnaire
Questionnaire to help you determine if you are eligible for state and/or federal benefits programs.
- Benefits Questionnaire
The Law (Additional statutes, regulations & opinions may apply to your specific situation.)
Search for more statutes, regulations & opinions.
Related Topics
- Food & Nutrition Programs
- Legal Assistance
- Medicare & Medicaid
- Real Property Law
- Social Security Law
- Wisconsin Works
Library Resources
- Access to utility service: disconnections, metering, payments, telecommunications, and assistance programs
- Overview of AFDC in Wisconsin