Identity Theft
- Agencies / Organizations
- Wisconsin
- WI Bureau of Consumer Protection (WI Dept. of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection)
Provides a number of fact sheets on topics like online safety, credit reports, data breaches, identity theft, and tax fraud and handles identity theft complaints.
- WI Bureau of Consumer Protection (WI Dept. of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection)
- National
- Identity
- FDIC: Identity Theft and Fraud
- Federal
Trade Commission: ID Theft
Information for the consumer, business & law enforcement agency. - Identity Theft Resource Center
- Identity theft prevention, detection, and victim assistance (IRS)
Identity theft resources and taxpayer guides. - National
Criminal Justice Reference Service
Access agency publications, directory of state & local resources, federal & state legislation, and other related resources.
- Wisconsin
- Complaints
- Identity Theft Complaints (WI Dept. of Consumer Protection)
- Identity Theft Complaints (Federal Trade Commission)
- Letter Forms (Identity Theft Resource Center)
Provides samples of letters that ID theft victims may send to merchants, financial institutions, collection agencies, etc.
- Court Forms (WI Court System)
- Identity Theft & Data Breaches (Privacy Rights Clearinghouse)
- Identity Theft Forms & Guides from Wisconsin Counties (WI State Law Library)
- Statement of Rights for Identity Theft Victims (Federal Trade Commission)
- Red Flags Rule
- Fighting Fraud with the Red Flags Rule: A How-To Guide for Business (Federal Trade Commission)
Does the red flag rule apply to your business? Guides on protecting personal information. Articles tailored to business industries including health care, telecom companies, and utilities. Assistance in creating your own identity theft prevention program.
- Fighting Fraud with the Red Flags Rule: A How-To Guide for Business (Federal Trade Commission)
- Tax
- Taxpayer Guide to Identity Theft (U.S. Internal Revenue Service)
The Law (Additional statutes, regulations & opinions may apply to your specific situation.)
- WI Statutes: s. 943.201 "Misappropriation of Personal Identifying Information or Personal Identification Documents"
- WI Statutes: s. 943.203 "Unauthorized Use of an Entity's Identifying Information or Documents"
- WI Statutes: s. 943.41(3) "Theft by Taking Card"
- WI Statutes: s. 943.82 "Fraud Against a Financial Institution"
- WI Statutes: s. 947.013 Harassment: Personally Identifiable Information
- U.S. Code: 15 USC 1681
- U.S. Code: 18 USC 1028 "Fraud and Related Activity in Connection with Identification Documents and Information"
- 72 Federal Register 63718 "Identity Theft Red Flags and Address Discrepancies Under the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003; Final Rule"
- CFR Identity Theft Duties and Rules
- CFR: 12 CFR 41.90 "Duties Regarding the Detection, Prevention, and Mitigation of Identity Theft"
- CFR: 12 CFR 222.90 "Duties Regarding the Detection, Prevention, and Mitigation of Identity Theft"
- CFR: 12 CFR 334.90 "Duties Regarding the Detection, Prevention, and Mitigation of Identity Theft"
- CFR: 12 CFR 364 "Standards for Safety and Soundness"
- CFR: 12 CFR 571.90 "Duties Regarding the Detection, Prevention, and Mitigation of Identity Theft"
- CFR: 12 CFR 717 "Duties Regarding the Detection, Prevention, and Mitigation of Identity Theft"
- CFR: 16 CFR 681 "Identity Theft Rules"
Search for more statutes, regulations & opinion
County Resources
Recommended links from our County Resources database:
Other Forms
- Identity Theft Victims Packet (Dodge Sheriff's Department)
- Identity Theft (Dodge Sheriff)
Related Topics
- Consumer Protection
- Criminal Law & Procedure
- Internet Crime
- Legal Assistance
- Privacy Law
- Public Records
- Public Records & Open Meetings
- Social Security Law
Law Review Articles
- Compliance with the New Identity Theft Prevention Regulations
Banking Law Jnl 125:6 (June 2008) - Federal Agencies Issue Final Rules Addressing Identity Theft Red Flags & Address Discrepancies Under the FACT Act
Consumer Finance L. Quarterly Rpt 61:3 (Fall 2007) - Identity Theft: Analyzing Current Trends in Litigation and Risk Management
Practical Lawyer 54:4 (Aug 2008) - Identity Theft: What You Need to Know
75 Wis. Lawyer 5 (May 2002) - Politics in Civil Jury Selection
81 Wis Lawyer 12 (Dec 2008) - Privacy; Data Security; & Identity Theft Prevention
ALI-ABA Business L. Course Mat'ls Jnl 32:4 (August 2008) - Recognition of a Negligence Cause of Action for Victims of Identity Theft
Marquette L. Rev. 88:4 (Spring 2005)
Library Resources
- Dumpster Diving
- Identity Theft / Fraud Resources
- Identity Theft in WI Resources
- Identity Theft in Wisconsin
- New Laws Relating to Personal Data Privacy
- O'Brave New World: New Horizons in Employee Privacy Law
Journals & Legal Databases
- Banking Law Journal
- Consumer Finance Law Quarterly Report
- Criminal Justice Review
- HeinOnline
- Journal of Law Technology & Society